Crybaby with Kozume Kenma

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Anonymous asked: Hi! May I ask for a scenario with Kenma and his crybaby gf? Like, someone who's sunshiny and mature and composed in public, but in private cries over the silliest things? To the point where Nekoma has a list of "Why Kenma-san's S/O is crying" filled with stuff like "remembered dogs exist" "ate a really tasty lunch" "remembered Kenma likes her" "the game she's playing had a really sad plot twist" "saw a dog again" and etc.! Thank you! (I'm a big fan of how you reply to headcanons, btw!)

Now... If I'm not mistaken.... I believe this is Kenma anon's request! I think so.... But I hope you like what I wrote up for you, anon! Thanks for requesting!! -Admin Satori <3

Kozume Kenma:

"Three.... Two.... One.... Bingo." Kuroo whispered where he stood next to Yamamoto and Lev, all three of them watching as the gym doors opened to reveal you with tears streaming down your face.

"Keeeeenmmmmaaaaa....." You hiccupped as you rushed onto the gym and surprised your boyfriend with wrapping your arms around his neck and burrowing your face in his shoulder.

Kenma froze for a few seconds before very slowly wrapping his arms around your body, "What's wrong, ____?" He asked in his usual monotone, leaning his head just slightly against yours and staring ahead at where you'd come in. You tried to talk but couldn't make an intelligible noise around your sniffles and soft sobs. "I can't understand what you're saying, ___." He said plainly, but didn't remove his arms from you.

You sniffled and took a few minutes to calm yourself before you buried your face in his shoulder even more, "I saw a really pretty butterfly." You whispered into the fabric of his practice jersey.

Kuroo's chortling wasn't exactly silent as he motioned with his hand to his kouhais for them to pay up, having taken a bet on when you would come crying today. He'd said in the middle of practice while Lev thought you'd last until the end and Yamamoto had thought it would have been when they all gathered at the convenience store later. Inuoka and Yaku let out a small sigh as they, too, paid up before Lev wrote down in Kuroo's black book the reason why you were crying this time.

Kenma tensed at Kuroo's laughter before his sharp golden eyes snapped over to where the Captain was.

The phrase If looks could kill flashed across the forefront of Kuroo's mind, as cliché as that sounded to even him, but it was enough to shut him up and wave in apology to his kouhai before turning around stiffly and going about his business to make sure Lev's receives weren't shit. Kuroo couldn't help the brief thought of Maybe we shouldn't write this down and take bets that went through his mind before he shrugged to himself with the thought Yeah, maybe... but then where's the fun?

"Kenma?" You whispered through sniffles, wanting to get his attention, but only blushing with shame when he finally did look down and meet your eyes, "I'm sorry..." You pouted, "I know it's really silly for me to cry over something like that..." You mumbled, looking away from his steady gaze, "I think I need therapy...." You sniffled again, pulling away slightly so that you could make your escape and pray that this day would be erased from his memory like all the other times you'd cried over little things like that.

Before you could pull away too far, his arms around you constricted and pulled you against his chest, and you caught sight of a slight blush dusting his cheeks just before your face was squished against his shoulder once again. "N-no..." He said lowly, staring at the side of your head as he held you closer, "I like that you are so caring.... Even to things like this." He muttered, his speech slow and calculated. He was always careful with his words. Especially around you since he knew you were so emotional. "I like you.... The way you are." He blushed more, his shoulders concaving a bit as a reaction and needing self preserve, but with you in his arms it made it seem like he was curling himself around you. Protecting your innocent nature.

You felt tears well up in your eyes at his words, ".... Kenma...." You sniffled, feeling a whole new crying session break as you let your tears flow and wet his practice jersey. You knew it was a surprise to everyone that you'd fallen in love with the quiet setter of your schools volleyball team, but how could you not? He was so thoughtful in the things he said and did. He had accepted your crying and sniffling self when you had confessed to him, and he was always there with a word of comfort whenever you got worked up. You could feel his cheek move against the side of your head and you could just picture his small smile, only making your tears flow more.

A/N: It's not as long as I would have liked, but I really liked how this ended, I hope you don't mind! 

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