Chapter 22

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Jungkook's POV

I woke up earlier than usual.

"I'm so nervous."

I stared at the ceiling not knowing what to do.

Tae and Jimin were still sleeping.

Today is going to be a long day.

I grabbed my phone and began scrolling through Instagram.

It was 5 am so I had about an hour before I have to get up and start my routine.

I found an account that had some nice little edits. (shameless self promo: *cough* follow me _.nae.iktfyl._  jk u don't have to)

There were about 6 edits and some pictures of the person who runs the account.

She's pretty I bet she doesn't think that about herself.

It's a shame that girls don't have confidence in themselves. They think that they have to be this perfect person to be called pretty when they don't.

Everyone is beautiful and people just can't see that.

I shook the thoughts out of my head and started to get ready.

Today's the day things with Yoongi will be fixed.

I'm nervous and excited.

I'm glad that Yoongi wants to try and fix things.


I arrived at the school's gate and just stared at the place.

Yoongi and I were going to talk during lunch.

I have time to prepare myself.

I entered the building and headed to my first period.

Okay I'm ready to do this.


Yoongi's POV

I couldn't focus on any of my classes.

I just wanted to talk to Jungkook and apologize for all of my mistakes.

Can the bell please ring.

"Min Yoongi!"


It was the third time the teacher had caught me not paying attention and by the look on her face she was not happy.

"I've called your name three times but it seems like you don't care. You're staying with me for lunch."

"No! Please ma'am I'll do anything but I need to do something important for lunch!"

"Well that's going to have to wait. You're staying and that's final."

The bell rung and everyone started to leave.

I grabbed all my stuff and ran out the classroom.

The teacher was yelling angrily but I didn't care.

I went to the lunch room and everyone was already there.

"Guys! Let's go to my house!"

Without letting them ask questions I quickly grabbed the closest person, which was Kook, and ran out the school.

Teachers were yelling and screaming but soon gave up.


We had arrived at my house and we were all exhausted.

"So mister Min Yoongi what exactly did you do?"

"Well I kinda wasn't paying attention in class and she got really pissed. I had to stay with her for lunch but as soon as the bell ranged I dashed out the classroom."

"You're so dead next time she sees you."

We started laughing and then things got really quiet.

I turned to face Jungkook and started speaking words.

"So umm Jungkook I think it's time I told you everything.


I told him everything about the accident and about why I acted the way I did.

By the end I could feel myself wanting to cry.

I held back the tears and looked at his reaction.

He was crying.

"Kook I'm very sorry for doing all that I was stupid and didn't know what to do. Please accept my apology."

At this point I let all the tears out.

Jungkook got up and hugged me.

I hugged back.

We cried for a little. Jungkook was the first one to back away.

"I accept your apology Yoongi. Promise next time something like this happens that you'll tell me."

"I promise."

We hugged again.

"I love you Kook your the best little brother ever."

"I love you too Yoongi. Thank you for everything brother."

Author's POV

Everyone in the room was happy to see the two brothers get along again.


As soon as those words escaped Hoseok's mouth Jungkook and Yoongi were attacked.

The rest of the night was filled with laughter and smiles.

There was a warm feeling flowing around in the air.

Things were absolutely wonderful.

The 7 boys couldn't ask for anything better.

This is just the beginning of another amazing adventure.


One more chapter left...

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