17|C H R I S T M A S H O L I D A Y S

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LYSARA WOKE UP,with relief,it was the Christmas Holidays,and she'd see her mother again,for Christmas,and an owl came,flying by,


I can't talk now,I'm with your father...
I've cancelled plans I told you at the start of the Hogwarts year,
No family is coming home,you'll be coming to Grimmauld Place,
And  few days after Christmas we'll be leaving to go to somewhere called
The Burrow,we'll be leaving days after,to go toAmerica
To stay with your father for a few days.
Love mum xx

Her mother sure did know home to write a small note,but she still wondered,who was the family who 'was' going to come?But it didn't matter,they aren't coming anyway.

Lysara let the owl fly away,and got changed into a yellow shirt,-even though people would think it's cold,it wasn't a few people she had seen was in a shirt too-she took if he pajamas,and put the yellow shirt on,with black trousers,that made her look like a half human half bumblebee.

She put on socks,and converse trainers,(white with roses).

She looked in the mirror,her red hair was wavy,her green eyes stood out.

She packed everything in her trunk,and sat on it,so it could close once she zipped it up,then used a spell so it could carry itself,and so it wouldn't bang on door,and fall open,she quickly opened it.

After following her outside,the trunk stopped,once it was on the train.She sighed,and walked to the closest compartment there was near the door.

She sat down,and sighed,lifting her wand and twirling it rounded putting it next to her,she lifted her hand,palms out,and it became cold,then suddenly warm once she stopped.

"Here,we can sit in this Compartment its not occu-"
Then the ginger haired boy paused,staring at me,finishing his last words,"-pied"
Hermione rolled her eyes,and turned to me,smiling,"Do you mind?If we sit here-?"
Lysara's eyes widened and nodded,"Of course!"

They sat down,and Harry laughed,"I guess you picked this Conpartment coz' you were cold-and it's warm?"
Lysara smiled,after an hour or two-Hermione turned to me,as Ron and Harry were talking,

"You know,I've heard Parkinson call you 'Alice Smith' because the name Alice,and the last name Smith,is ordinary,and she's thinks your-well-ordinary"
Lysara scoffed,rolling her eyes,then inky just noticed,"Well-um if you don't mind,why is your hair black?And why are you tanned-it's not even Summer?"
Harry and Ron suddenly paid attention,laughing,but pretending to cough,once they met her gaze.
"Well, Ron's brothers,Fred and George,they pranked me,by sending me a package-at Hogwarts- and of course I wouldn't open it if it said 'From Fred and George' so they writ 'From Mum and Dad xx'"said Hermione glumly.

We both walked out of the Compartment ,heading to the girls toilets,and in her way,Hermione asked,"Do you know who the Hufflepuff seeker-Heidi McVoy is-?Probably don't,she looks like you,has ginger hair,but is stuck up,she calls Slytherins the Serpents,because they're 'mean'"
They reached it,walked in,then minutes later,waiting for Hermione,"One min Hermione,I'm going into a stall"

Few minutes later,the train whistled,and it stopped,they walked out,and Lysara saw her mother,smiling down,with a scruffy man with scars,a girl,with bubblegum pink hair,and a dog.

Hi.I want to say,I've seen how many readers I have ALTOGETHER in my books,and there's  1,000 or more,since on one of my books I have 995 readers then another 885 and so on,then I See I have nine followers?Why do I have nine followers if 1000 people have read my books.Please follow me,then u can read my other books,also I've put this message (not the exact ones) on my other books.
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