18|" I H A V E A B A D F E E L I N G ' B O U T T H I S "

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"LYSARA LILY VIVIAN Vasiliek wake up!"
Groaning,Lysara turned round,and never woke up,and she heard a scoff,she opened one of her eyes,and saw a black haired man,"Are all teenagers like this?First Harry,now her!"

After a few hours,Lysara woke up,before opening the room door,she glanced back at the room,a green and silver bed,a window in every corner of the room.
She opened the door,and was met by a -
Blinking,she saw two twins,who she thought was,"Fred and....George?"
They raised there eyebrows,"How'd you know that..."
"Hermione told me-"

"Ah!Hermione,how is she-"
"-After our little-?"

"Prank?"Asked a voice behind,and they froze,their grins fading,and Fred whined quietly,"I thought she was to come next week?"
Lysara shrugged,a smirk rising up.

Few hours later,she heard a noise,which freaked her out,muttering,"I have a bad feeling 'bout this"Fred and George scoffed,putting arms round her shoulders.

HELLO!Sorry for the short chapter,the next chapter is gonna be longer.
Also,since this is a Draco Malfoy fanfic,and in my other books,I've let my readers choose.
Do you either want it to be a Draco Malfoy fanfic....or a
Fred Weasley fanfic.And you guys are probably saying 'You're mean!"If you've read or watched
Deathly Hallows,like I have in the battle of Hogwarts.But if you have any other suggestions,
tell me in the comments section,but please don't say people like Ron or...looms thing word like Harry,
because one,I want Hermione and Ron together,and Harry and Ginny.
Love y'all.xx
so,I've seen my other books,and I know for sure,more than 1K people have read my books,altogether.
And thanks for that!!But I only have 9 followers..and I'm like...wha?I know...I'm not
being desperate,but yeah,also,I'm going to out up in my bio thing,my Instagram name,I have three accounts so..yah :)
And if you have Instagram,and you go in my profile to see my bio and click more,then
while your at that,if you aren't already,please follow me!
Love y'all 💋 xx

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