5 ‣ senior central

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"Hey! Jeon!" Jaebyung approaches the both of you as you walk into the fairly crowded dorm—which is considerably roomy compared to yours, but that's because they're the boys' varsity player dorms (funded by sponsors)—placing his pleasantly surprised eyes on you, "And, oh—look who we have here! The Party Queen herself."

"Oh, for sure. You're hilarious." You curl your lips into a small smile, finding the weird look Jungkook turns to give you pretty funny. Jaebyung grins at you, letting out a slight chuckle and holding out the red cup in his other hand to you.

"Here," he says. You furrow your brows at him, reluctant to actually take it. "Oh, come on. It's punch. Just punch. No beer. I swear." He raises it like he raises his eyebrows. You can tell he's already a little over tipsy.

What the fuck?
Since when are Byung and her such good friends?

"No beer?" You raise an eyebrow, slowly bringing your hand up to the cup as well. Jaebyung nods innocently enough, prompting you to take the almost-full red cup out of his hold completely. "How lame."

"Oh—?" Jungkook widens his eyes, simultaneously furrowing his brows to look at you in a curious, incredulous manner. Jaebyung gives you a very similar look, but he adds in a small laugh.

"Lame?" Jaebyung repeats, an amused expression present on his handsome, half-sober face. You nod nonchalantly, taking a sip of the genuinely non-alcoholic drink. "Ohh. Okay, Miss." Jaebyung laughs, looking down and taking a sip of his own punch—which does have a shot or two of vodka mixed in. "She didn't come to play, I see."

"No. Guess she didn't." Jungkook mutters, watching the way you continue to drink your juice casually. He was expecting you to be a lot more awkward in here. To his incredible surprise, that isn't the case at all. At least, not yet. Not with Jaebyung. "What happened to the 'I'm not the funnest party person, Jungkook' you from not even an hour ago?"

"Maybe she stayed back at the dorm?" You joke, shrugging and all just to hopefully get on Jungkook's nerves. You know Jaebyung and him are good friends, and you know he doesn't know you and him talk—which makes this pretty funny. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" You ask, furrowing your brows at him. "You want some punch?"

"Sure. Thanks." Jungkook takes the cup from you, drinking straight out of it just because he knows you weren't expecting him to actually do so. You widen your eyes at him and smack his arm, taking your cup back while Jaebyung begins laughing at the both of you. "Ow!" Jungkook chuckles, rubbing his bicep and stumbling back a little.

"You fucking—!" You start, stopping mid-sentence because Jungkook isn't even listening anymore. He's too busy cracking up with Jaebyung, falling deeper into a heavy round of his friend's incredibly contagious half-drunken laughter. "God."

"Is that Jeon Jungguk?" Im Changkyun, a well-known varsity soccer senior, walks up to your little group, also holding his half-full red party cup with a grin. "Well, I'll be. The legend himself."

"Hey, it's Changkyun." Jungkook cuts his laughter short, sharing a very bro-ish handshake with the popular senior, apparently very amused to see him. "Long time no see, man. Where've you been?"

"I went to train at the academy in Busan for two months, on my way to Nationals hopefully next weekend." Changkyun explains, pausing for a bit to take another drink of his alcoholic juice mix. "Came back to train at home, you know. No better place to get your head in the game." He smiles proudly, his eyes finally landing on you. "Oh—who's this? The girlfriend?"

"The what—?" You furrow your brows, leaning your head a little forwards thinking you maybe caught that last word incorrectly.

"Uh—um—no. No, no." Jungkook shakes his head, laughing a little forcefully. Changkyun furrows his own brows a little, semi confused. Jaebyung falls into another small round of funny-sounding laughter. "Not my girlfriend," Yet. "Just a friend."

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