6 ‣ lights out

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"Spike it. Why not? I'm not driving home."

"As you wish, milady." Jungkook grins proudly, turning back to the drinks and pouring what he considers a 'perfect mix' of alcohol and punch into the two cups. He looks so concentrated doing so. You chuckle and look around the semi-crowded dorm, noticing all the familiar and unfamiliar faces laughing and drinking. "Here." Jungkook brings your attention back on him, handing you your cup.

"Thanks." You take it, proceeding to walk away from the table to get out of other people's way. Jungkook leads you to a wall and you both lean on it, observing the college mess and enjoying the vibrating music. You haven't taken a drink out of your party punch yet, while Jungkook's already halfway done with his.

— • —

"They're not dating, dude."

"Yes they fucking are! Look at them. They haven't left each other once."

"Nah, I saw the way she was looking at Jaehyun."

"Changkyun's the one I would've betted on."

"No fucking way. She had her eyes on Taeyong the whole time."

"Just say the entire fucking soccer team and go."

— • —

"You gonna drink that, or?" Jungkook asks, nodding at your cup as you watch with horror as a couple of junior girls run their noses over the counter across the dorm with some guys you've never seen before. "Hey," Jungkook chuckles, nudging you a little as he realizes what you're so focused on, "earth to," he calls your name.

"Huh—? Ah, u-um, yeah. What?" You snap out of your weirdly fascinated, surprised trance and turn to face Jungkook again. He laughs at your innocence and takes another sip out of his drink, keeping his eyes on your cutely naive face. You slightly furrow your brows and tilt your head. "What? What's so funny? What'd you say?"

"I asked if you were going to drink that." Jungkook answers, nodding at your full cup again. "You seriously had me thinking you were gonna take a leap into my world for a bit back there, but you aren't even drinking the punch." He chuckles, "You seem scared. If you wanna get out of here, we can."

"No, I just—won't Jaebyung get in trouble?" You ask curiously, turning back to the laughing girls and their smiling accompanying strangers. They seem to be laughing harder now. "I thought they checked these dorms more often. Won't they find traces?"

"What? Do you think they bring in dogs?" Jungkook chuckles, also looking over at the semi-chaotic scene. "They won't find anything but an all-star varsity athlete's dorm. Byung's good at cleaning up, believe it or not."

"Are they okay?" You watch as one of the junior girls almost stumbles off of her stool. Nobody around her seems to care. They just continue enjoying their company, drinks, and the music that seems to have gotten a bit louder.

"They're fine." Jungkook blankly assures, casually taking a big drink out of his own cup.  "Don't get too hung up on stuff like that. Just drink your juice and relax." He takes your hand with the cup and raises it closer to your mouth. "Or we can go dance and socialize like regular people at parties. How about that?"

"No, I'll just drink the punch."

"Okay, then." Jungkook nods, pressing his back up against the wall again and  finishing his final gulp of punch as he makes eye contact with Jaehyun from across the room. He raises his other hand as an acknowledging gesture, noticing the way Jaehyun's eyes linger on you before he goes back to talking to Taeyong and a couple of other girls.

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