11 ‣ pitch black

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"Why're you goin' so far, hm?"

"What are you talking about?" You scoff, limply turning your body back towards the couch while the booze in your bottle swivels with you. "Th' couch isn't even that far." Your words are slurred ever so slightly now, and Jungkook can't help but focus on that. It's cute. "Or what? Want me to get in bed with you and give the girls outside something real to talk about?" You laugh lightly at your own words, climbing over the back of the couch just to not walk around.

"Ideally." Jungkook nods.

"Hm?" You look up at him, mid-straddle over the damn backrest cushions. You didn't quite hear what he said, partly because he borderline mumbled the word and partly because your attention was ninety-nine percent directed at not busting your ass. With another swift move, you find yourself plopping down on your couch, falling down on your back with one knee up. You exhale softly, relishing in your newfound comfort.

"Come over here." Jungkook draws out the phrase, speaking like a little kid nagging his friend. "Just lay here." He says, patting the patch of comforter next to him. "It's easier to talk that way." Jungkook watches the back of the couch, waiting impatiently for your voice to grace his ears or perhaps for the smallest glimpse of your hair to grace his dark eyes. "If you don't come over here soon I'm gonna go over there and sit on you."

You laugh brightly, turning on your stomach after setting the bottle down so you can scoot up to the armrest and peep your head over the table to look at him. "Sit on me?" You ask, raising a brow as you meet those dark eyes and get a lazy, amused grin added on as a bonus. Jungkook nods. "Don't you think that's a little extreme?" You ask a bit stupidly, but in your state that's completely natural. "Also," you rest your head on your folded elbow, "how late is it?"

"Late." Jungkook answers lowly. You can tell he's drunk when he starts to sound like that—from the one other time you two happened to be drunk in the same room together. "Really late." He adds, watching as you purse your lips and sigh. "What? You getting sleepy on me now?" Jungkook asks, eyes never leaving your face. You close your eyes. Seeing you so vulnerable like this, so comfortable with your guard down all the way only makes him want to be next to you even more. "How many times to I have to ask?"

"What?" You grumble.

"Come here, I said." Jungkook repeats, sounding a lot more demanding. You huff, eyes still closed as you mumble something about him being so annoying and bring one leg over the edge of the couch. "Mm-hm." Jungkook hums as you slowly get up. "Come on, doll." He motions you over, speaking in a gentler manner now. You feel strangely drawn to him and his smooth voice, walking over towards your bed as if he wasn't there waiting for you.

Or, better said, with the ease of someone who's not about to get in bed with someone else—for whatever reason it may be.

"You said it's late?" You fall back on your comforter, in that same spot Jungkook had picked out with those three impatient pats a few minutes ago. He hums in response. Never in your sober peace of mind would you ever think you'd find yourself anywhere near him on such a scandalous staple that is a bed. Well, at least not that this stage of your relationship. But here you are. "Hm." You ponder on the word late. "Then it's probably dark out, huh?" You look up at him.

Jungkook lays all the way back, too, exhaling roughly as his upper body sinks so comfortably into your mattress. "Mm-hm." He answers softly, turning his head so he could meet your pretty eyes again. God, how he loves that twinkle. "Pitch black." He exaggerates. Well, half-exaggerates. The lampposts outside had coughed up their last spark just yesterday. When will maintenance take time out of their oh-so busy days to come and fix it? Who the fuck knows.

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