best friends

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Hey guys I know this isn't part of the story its just, I wanted to give you some advice. If you have a best friend and you guys always hang out and you have eachothers back then you know that they are the right friends.

Now maybe you have a couple of things that you don't like what they do and you just want to tell them and get it all out. Well my advice for you is dont. Many things can go wrong. They might take it the wrong way and get mad at you and you guys aren't friends anymore.

You don't want that. And now both of you guys are like I ain't gonna apologize to her cause of this and that. But you are sitting there thinking what have I done, I just lost the only friend that truely cared about me. Then you start thinking about all the memories you guys had and you might end up doing something stupid.

What I'm trying to say is that if you have a good friend don't ruin it by opening up your big mouth. Just cheerish the moments you have with her/him. Cause you never know when it will end.

I'm going through that situation right now and I really fucked up but I don't want to say sorry cause I did nothing wrong. And I know she will never come back to me so it looks like Dahlia and Litzy friendship is dead. R.I.P

Thanks guys for listening. Love ya'll bye.

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