Fresh Air

382 19 1

I woke up in the same room as always, placed perfectly in the little cat bed that felt like hellfire.

I hissed in anger but immediately calmed down. I knew it was "rude" to barge out of someone's home like that, and plus, I forgot why I had even done it in the first place. Maybe I was sleep-walking.

Sleep-walking or not, I still wanted to leave. My side was sore and bandaged-up, so it hurt to breath. I looked to where the food bowl was usually placed but instead found a note.

I couldn't read half of it, most was used to write down notes and other things but I could make out some of it. What I pieced together made me grin.

From what the flyer said, I figured out that a traveling circus was coming to London. A circus, eh? I thought. I flicked my ears in delight. What a perfect time to get out!

The circus was to start in 2 days, so i had plenty of time to figure out how to leave. I grinned. I could leave right now if I wanted to.

So with that thought, I walked out of the death trap room I always seem to end up in and towards the front door. Sebastian seemed to busy, so I had to open the door myself. It wasent that hard.

Outside, I decided to run into town as fast as I could to get the energy out that was being bottled up inside. It was making me twitchy.

Near town, I decided to morph out of my cat form and finally be able to morph into my human form. I chuckled. I, and quite a few others, found my human form extremely cute. However, I use my cuteness as an advantage.

Walking into town with my snow-white hair pushed behind my ears, it didnt take long for me to get used to walking on two legs. I had already caught the eye of some lone men, who seemed to already be getting ideas. I decided to keep my guard up - you never know what'll happen in the streets of London.

I yawned, realizing I still had that darned collar around my neck. It made a nice accessory, so I didn't bother to take it off.

Another advantage to myself was that people always say my voice is "honey-sweet." I've noticed that when I talk I charm the man I'm speaking to and he dosent take me seriously anymore. That's always a nice thing to happen. Unless he's a pervert.

I have another sigh and tried to figure out what I was going to do here. I wasent hungry or anything, so boredom was catching on quickly. I'd better find something to do before my boredom gets the better of me.

I walked past a hat shop and stopped in my tracks. Shopping would be okay. But since I'm not much of a shopper, just a hat would do. I did need something to cover my ears.

I walked in, half surprised to see it open and started to look around. There was a lady at the desk who smiled at me nicely, but I didn't feel like smiling today so just waved.

I found a white hat with black and white petals on the brim. I liked it, so I payed the nice lady and put it on, walking outside.

Ignoring the stares even married men were starting to give me, I rounded a corner and into an alley-way. I gave a sigh of relief and sat down, tugging at the dress I was wearing.

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