before I start I just wanna say that I love boys. like they are awesome ((wtf lmao)) but ya they can be douchebags at times
and I'm not stereotyping here, this is from personal experience. of course not all boys are like this.
and I'm updating on my phone ((ikr, wtf?)) so excuse any like typos and grammatical errors.
ok so boys think that they can treat a girl like shit and still get a girlfriend.
like no.
we're sisters.
we talk to each other.
we point out the bad ones.
and the marshmallows.
they think they can be a dick and that will attract girls.
yeah it will attract girls and sif u spray itself with axe that will help too!
girls love the smell of suffocating chemicals!
and boys think that a girl can't wear a high skirt or they will be a slut, but then when they start dating she has to dress like a hooker.
like no lemme wear my ankle length skirt.
and they always fart and burp and it's ew.
like its ok to fart and burp like ur human its ok
but boys do it purposely
get a room and do it purposely then its ok.
like there is nothing attractive about how loud u can burp ok now take ur fish breath away.
then they say its gross if a girl does it.
just bc I'm a girl doesn't give u the right to tell me when I can and can't pass gas.
wow some boys annoy the crap out of me.
luv ya byeeee