Horror Busters: The Legendary Touch of Chaos CHAPTER ONE!!!

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Now, Gaowgaow102 and I (which would be the writers of this epic tale of epicness) we KNOW that we are both putting this up. We both know and all that fun stuff. We are not copying each other.


Enjoy. ;D

(And the full story will be on our joint account tacosandgoats.)

Chapter 1

Dear Reader, this story is not for the faint of heart. Please, do take this as a warning, and not as a means to get rid of any of you. Oh, who am I kidding? It is a means to get rid of any who even thought of reading this, but it’s not like any of you would’ve listened to the little ol’ writer’s warning. So I suppose I better get on to the story.

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Cinderella.

Sorry! Wrong story.

Let me start over.

It was a dark and dreary night. Rain was falling from dark rain clouds and – I’m just kidding. It was nothing like that.

Let me start over. Again. I promise I’m not wasting your time. This is a good fairy tale. I swear it. Cross my hearts and hope to die by an awkward alien attack.


Here goes our second try.

It was just a normal day – and then the fire nation attacked.

Again, I'm just kidding! Sorry, sorry. I promise, not more jokes. Just let me start over just one more time.

It was a - ow!

Alright, alright.

I'll quit joking around.

No need to go and slap the writer. That’s just plain rude. But no one caaaares about the writer.

It was a normal day. No one would have suspected something like this would happen. No one would have suspected that Susie Belle would have gotten lost, once again, in the Silver Forest, a place that was just at the edge of the city of Chipperford. It wasn’t even her fault she was lost. She was perfectly alright on her own, in her little old fashioned barnyard like home in the city, and the towns people just had to come banging on her door because that old hoot of an oracle had gone and said that she was the one to go and kill that mean old wizard.

She didn’t even know his name!

But being the kind hearted klutz of a person she was, she couldn’t just say no to the people. She liked them, and she wanted to be nice. Mostly because she didn’t want to get drilled to a stake because she was a witch.

But then again, I’m getting ahead of myself, aren’t I?

Now, let me pause this, just to catch you all up to the story.

Now. Where to start. Where to start…


How about we start at the beginning.

With the wizard.

Now, I don’t suppose you’ve heard of him. If you have, then my job is already done. And if you haven’t…Oh. I see you haven’t. Okay. Well, I suppose you can be forgiven. Most people in your part of the world haven’t heard of him.

This wizard’s name is Woozles. Woozles the Wizard. And he does horrible things. Things that I shouldn’t even mention. But, of course, you want to know. Am I right? Of course I’m right. I’m the writer. He burns crops. He turns people into peacocks that aren’t beautiful. He steals cookies from little children!

Horror Busters: The Legendary Touch of Chaos CHAPTER ONE!!!Where stories live. Discover now