Oliver Wood // Deceitful

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Requested by notorious_marauders
I hope you enjoy it!

Also, I have a notice at the end of this chapter so make sure to read it!


Playing against any team in normal weather conditions seemed fair, but when the rains poured down from the heavens, with the thundering making us jump on our brooms every five minutes and the lightning which illuminated the grounds was distracting enough. Just when Roger was about to give up hope of us winning, our Seeker finally caught the snitch, making us the winners.

Our victory was short-lived. Everybody cheered, but were shivering and sneezing from the cold rain. As we entered the Changing room, we were engulfed in warmth for Professor Flitwick had been kind enough to keep his Quidditch House players warm. Just as I was enjoying the warmth, Chelsea, my best friend abruptly stood up, grabbed my arm and pulled me into the Girl's changing room. Luckily, it was warm in there, too.

I snatched my arm from her iron-like grip and complained, "Ow, my arm! That fall really hurt my arm!"

"I'm sorry, but do you really want to get interrogated by Wood, who is quote unquote 'genuinely' concerned about you?" Chelsea pointed her chin towards the sound of Oliver demanding to see me. She pulled off her wet uniform cloak and threw it on the bench.

I pulled my band from my wet ponytail and defended as I heard Roger send him off, "Chels, Wood isn't a bad guy. You guys should stop seeing him as a threat or a spy come to check on us."

"You sound like you really like him." Chelsea pulled a set of fresh clothes from her locker and on seeing me blush, her face broke into a grin, "Of course you do. I mean, after all those dates with him, you've finally fallen for him."

I pulled out a set of clothes from my locker and as I gently closed it, I told her, "They are not dates, Chels. Just two friends hanging out together." I quickly changed into my clothes and put a charm on the two of us, which instantly made us dry.

As the two of us made our way to the infirmary to make sure my arm was okay, we ran into Oliver, who asked me, "You okay?" Just as I was about to reply, Chelsea took a step forward, patted his arm and said, "I'm good. Thanks for asking."

As I watched her reatreating figure that was going to the infirmary, I looked back at Oliver and smiled, "I'm fine. My arm just hurts a little, but I'm fine." I paused and raised an eyebrow, "Why are you so concerned?"

Oliver folded his arms and commented in somewhat lame manner, "I was just making sure that I had a worthy opponent to defeat at the upcoming match next week."

I shook my head with a small smile and began to play with the hem of my shirt. Oliver cleared his throat, "So, would you like to hang out at tomorrow's Hogsmeade trip?"

I looked up at him and smiled, "I'd love to."


The next day, I was very excited about the Hogsmeade trip for no particular reason. I flexed my arm, which was now way lot better than it was last night. I quickly changed into warm, cozy clothes because the season was close to winter and was very cold outside. I grabbed my purse and walked out the door to the Common Room. I couldn't spot Chelsea anywhere. Usually, Chelsea and I would go together to Hogsmeade and then would go our separate ways. I sighed in disappointment and ran outside the Common Room. And surely enough, there she was, talking to Roger. When the two of them spotted me, Roger nodded at me and bid goodbye to Chelsea, who beckoned me, "Come on, we don't want to be late."

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