Frank Longbottom // Worry

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2 oneshots in a day!! that should explain how free I am after my finals.

warning: this one's depressing. and short.


The sun shone thorough the glass and lit up the small nursery, where the small boy, just a year old, was already crawling on his fours and trying to get to his father, who was roaring with laughter, with his son's stuffed Merlin toy in his hand, out of his reach. As Neville got closer to his father, he climbed on to his lap and rested there, too tired to play anymore.

"What, given up already, Nev?" Frank teased him, poking his leg.

The small boy simply stirred on his lap, and stuck his thumb in his mouth.

"Give it a rest, Frank, you guys have been playing for almost two hours now." I reprimanded my husband, placing the pile of folded clothes on the table and taking my son in my arms.

"Don't blame me. I just wanted to spend some rime with him seeing as I barely get some time  off because of the..." He grimaced and trailed off, giving a worried glance at Neville.

I sighed as I tucked Neville into his cot and kissed his head. I turned to my husband, who had gotten to his feet and was dusting his trousers, "Y/N, we'll be busy tracking Voldemort down the whole next week, and I won't be seeing my son. This might even be the last time-"

"Don't say that." I said sharply as I glanced at the sleeping figure of our son.

"It's either him or us. Dumbledore told us the prophecy-" Frank pushed his hair back and his voice began to break.

"We will not let him get Neville, alright? Whatever happens, I will protect my son against him." I said fiercely, as Frank took a step closer to me and grabbed my hands.

"I'm with you, Y/N. And I'm not going to let him or his followers get to us."

"It's so scary, Frank. I'm so worried. Please tell me you are as well."My voice broke as my hands trembled in Frank's. He raised my hands to his lips and kissed it.

"Y/N. Nothing scares me more than the thought of our son in the hands of Voldemort. For now, please calm down. We'll get out of this. Together."

I nodded slowly as Frank lowered his head and placed a soft kiss on my lips. It was merely a peck and our emotions were conveyed through that one kiss.

"He's going to grow up as a hero. The best among the others." Frank smiled at me.

"I know he will, and we'll be there by his side, no matter what happens." I promised him and buried my face in his shoulder, trying my best not  to cry.

What would come to pass, would come.

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