hi :')

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i just stumbled upon this book that i completely forgot about. i am so embarassed haha. 14 year old me was such a hœ for writing these cheesy and corny stories(pls the valentine's day special w cedric diggory was horrible)

i didn't even get some of my fax straight. most of the content in this book is v un-british and badly worded my english is NOT that good. and i forgot to put in warnings incase some of the content was triggering 😭 IM SO SORRY!anyhow, i've decided to stop writing this book mostly bc my writing is so bad

this short journey was fun and you guys supported me in a way you don't even know. every single read, vote and comment made my day and oh gosh i was reading the recent comments i don't think i've laughed so much. you guys are so funny. thank you so much <3 y'all prolly not even gonna read this but for whoever does, thank you i appreciate all your kind words and I AM SO SORRY that i didnt reply to any of your messages but i have read them THANK YOUUU ALL <33

i hope everyone's doing fine!
take care of yourselves, stay safe.
have a lovely day/night !
always spread happiness and positivity.

also hsjsjs 34 days for xmas yay

ok im gonna go now byee

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