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"Where's Taehyung?", Jungkook asked confused after class ended and he stood in front of his locker. Jennie and Lisa, also Yoongi were with him and were also looking for him.
"He texted me he can't take school any longer and went off to smoke outside the building", Lisa answered after a while and looked down, apparently Taehyung didn't tell Jungkook or the others that he decided not to keep his promise. "uh-", Jungkook nodded sadly and grabbed his phone. But right when he wanted to tip on Taehyung's name the screen started glitching and it said 'Not available'. "How can someone be not available to text?", Jungkook asked confused and showed his phone to the girls.

"Well- when they blocked you.."
Jennie replied quietly and sighed heavily. Taehyung was such a dick sometimes.
Jungkook's face dropped and he quickly turned away to hide the tears that were coming up. "I'll go home now", he said suddenly before he grabbed his bag and left the group without waiting for an answer.
"I swear to god, Taehyung is such a stupid idiot", Jennie bursted out after Jungkook was gone and looked at Lisa angrily. "He's just scared Jennie and you know damn well why-", Lisa tried to have her best friend's back even though she was disappointed herself. This little Kookie guy was pure and good-hearted, it was simply unfair to hurt him like that. He wasn't just a toy.

While the group started fighting Jimin ran over to Jungkook and walked beside him.
"So you're crying and your neck is full of hickeys. Did your little one night stand didn't turn out to be the love of your life, huh?", Jimin joked and ruffled Jungkook's hair teasingly. But the younger pushed his hand away and stared at him full of madness.
"Oh please- what do you know about love hm? It's not like you're successful with your crushes, right?!", Jungkook yelled out and pushed Jimin away from him.
"Can you shut the fuck up not everyone needs to know about my love life!", Jimin grabbed Jungkook by his shirt and pushed him over to the lockers.
"Oh, but the whole school can know about mine right? Like when they see me running around with a shirt which says I'm gay even though that's my fucking story to tell."
Jungkook had enough, enough of Taehyung, enough of Jimin and enough of dicks. In general. The only thing he wanted was to go back behind his computer, play games and wish he never opened up to Taehyumg.

Well- too late for that.

"It's not like anybody cares about you Jungkook", Jimin laughed but that was right before Jungkook's hand slapped Jimin's face. And not soft or anything, no he slapped him hard and with a lot of power.
"Oh, you're getting violent now,hm? Is that the influence Taehyung has on you, hm?", Jimin kept on teasing while he pressed Jungkook against the locker and came closer every moment.
"Don't say his fucking name", Jungkook cried out and looked at Jimin beggingly, fighting the urge to cry again. "Aww, someone is heartbroken", Jimin chuckled amused and for a moment he let go with one hand and softly stroke above Jungkook's cheeks.

"I'm glad you finally know how heartbreak feels", he added with a smile that drove Jungkook nuts.
"Oh come on, get over it", Jungkook said and lifted his knee just to kick Jimin between his legs. And with a painful groan the older got down on his knees and started crying about the pain Jungkook just put him in.
The younger was about to laugh as he looked up and realized a bunch of students forming a circle around them and in the middle of them stood their school director.

"In my office, NOW", he yelled at Jungkook and started to help Jimin to get up again.
"Great-", Jungkook rolled his eyes and went over to the director's office.

But on his way he got a lot of applause and cheers from the students who saw this. Everyone knew that Jimin was bullying Jungkook for years and this was the first time Jungkook stood up for himself instead of doing whatever the older said.
And you could say- the school loved it.

Jungkook just got an upgrade from a zero to at least a 80.


"What was that just about?", the director asked as Jungkook and also Jimin sat in his office, quietly next to each other without looking up from their laps at all.
"He can't stop bullying me. Sorry that I couldn't hold back myself for once", Jungkook broke the silence. "He bullies you?", the director asked and watched Jungkook with a emotionless expression. Of course he knew that Jimin was the bully of their school, but he also knew that Jimin had rich parents that would probably sue the whole school if they wouldn't protect their boy from bad words.
"I can't see Jimin bullying you", he shrugged.

"Look, Sir. Jungkook has this crush on me for years now and he feels like I'm bullying him but I'm just rejecting him. He is obsessed with me", Jimin suddenly said and glanced at Jungkook for a moment.
The younger was speechless.
"You believe that??", he asked the director but he didn't even look into the boy's eyes.

"Jungkook, you can't hurt people physically just because they hurt your pride or feelings." The director sighed heavily. It wasn't easy for him either but he had no other choice than having Jimin's back. It was like this with Taehyung's parents as well. None of this rich kids put any effort in school or socializing and still- they got away with everything.
"Pha", Jungkook laughed sarcastically. "This is unbelievable", he shook his head and looked at Jimin.
"It's fine, say whatever you want Jimin. In the end you're the one laying in bed at nights because you cant get over me", Jungkook chuckled and looked back to the director.
Jimin only stared at Jungkook and gulped. Did he just-

"Jungkook, you're having detention for the whole week and also on Saturday. You can leave now", the old man said and decided not to question what must have happened between them.


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