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H O M E C O M I N G, Pt 2

Jungkook found Taehyung after running up and down the hall for at least 10 minutes. The school's staff already brought the dead body down and the police was called. No one was allowed to leave the building until they found out who was responsible for this and to make sure this would actually happen they locked the doors which caused several students to freak out.
"Why him-", Taehyung was in tears and sat on the floor right next to a wall as he stared into literally nothing. Jungkook sat down as well and started crying finally, "I never gave him an answer", Jungkook whispered.
"There's nothing to answer anyways", Taehyung mumbled and bit his lips which made Jungkook hesitate for a moment. "Wait. How do you know? I never told you what he did tell me some days ago", Jungkook's eyes widened. Suddenly he didn't trust anyone anymore. Especially since what happened right here didn't suit his theory and plan. But Taehyung didn't reply anymore, instead he cried even more. "I'm so sorry", he mumbled and then got up and just left Jungkook alone. "Tae, wait!", Jungkook wanted to reach out after him but got stopped by a way too well-known voice by now. "Remember how your boyfriend killed someone and you'd fucking helped him getting out of jail and blamed me instead? That's karma now."
Felix chuckled amused and Jungkook gave him a death glare. "You're so annoying sometimes, like seriously", he complained and pushed Felix away just to run after Taehyung.


"Everyone just dies, I can't take this anymore", Lisa was in tears as well while Jennie tried to comfort her and find Yoongi at the same time, but he was gone. "This town is going to drive all of us insane someday", Jennie whispered as she stroke through her best friend's hair. "Who's next? Now this asshole started killing one of us. Who's next? I for sure as hell can't take any more deaths." "Come on Lisa, stop crying we gotta stay strong. Too many people are watching us", Jennie said slowly and glanced at the mass of people in here who were simply in fear.

Jungkook however didn't find Taehyung and when he was about to freak out he received a message on his phone

go to your locker, take out what's inside
come to the principal's office
if you don't your precious asshole boyfriend will be next on my list
xoxo 💞

With a sigh Jungkook didn't even think twice. Instead he walked out to of the room and made his way straight to his locker. Sometimes love made blind, especially once you walk right into the fire for your loved one.
He quickly entered the password combination and got shocked once again. It's not like he was already over Jimin's death, he just didn't realise it yet. "Oh god", Kook whispered as he took out a letter which was literally drowned in blood.
Next to the letter he found another paper with photos on it.
Photos of literally everyone who was in any relationship to himself. Some of them were already crossed out with black crosses on their eyes.
The dead ones.
There was a picture of his father, crossed out.
Lisa's mother, crossed out.
Jimin, crossed out.
Yoongi's brother, crossed out.
And as he took a closer look he realised that there were three more people crossed out.

But as he realised who those faces belonged to he gulped and quickly grabbed the letter. A small note was attached to it which said, "He really loved you, first mistake he did." 
Jungkook hold in his breath as he realised that this letter was written by Jimin.

And as he read it all through, he knew for a fact that he could never tell anyone about it.

Numbed to any feelings the boy turned around and walked through the halls. He ripped the letter apart so no one would ever be able to read it out. Now he was on his way to the principal's office and for a second he hoped he'd just get killed now. At least that's what he could expect after all.
"ugh", he said as he opened the door and looked at a masked person who stood there and stared at Jungkook without saying anything.

He then started walking towards the door, "Come on", he said with a sudden deep voice. Jungkook nodded and followed him even though he was literally dying inside. He was so scared what was about to happen. "Where are we going?", Jungkook asked slowly. But he got no answer at all.

Instead they walked downstairs until they arrived in the empty theater hall. "The fuck", Jungkook said. The masked guy made his way on the stage and pulled the curtain aside just to give Jungkook another shock.

"TAE", he cried out as he saw his boyfriend tied up and with a bleeding head on the floor. "Stop", the psychopath behind them said and chuckled. "You gotta do something to get your boyfriend back."
With that he pulled the other curtain back and revealed another tied up guy on the floor. Yoongi. "What do I have to do?", Jungkook asked while the masked person walked behind Taehyung's back and suddenly pulled a gun out and held it against Taehyung's head.

"Kill his best friend", the guy smirked beneath his mask and seemed to be totally satisfied with his plan. He handed Jungkook another gun and pointed on Yoongi.
"Do it or you'll see your lovely Taehyung dying."
Jungkook stared at him blankly. "Fuck you, honestly", he said, grabbed the gun and walked towards Yoongi.
"You know, I'm glad you hate me anyways. Makes it easier", he mumbled towards Yoongi as he slowly put the gun at the boy's head. Jungkook was at a point where he simply didn't care anymore. All he wanted was to save Taehyung. No matter what.

And so he pulled the trigger before Yoongi couldn't even say anything.

"If I go down, you'll go down with me", the masked guy behind Jungkook's back said and pushed Taehyung on the floor but let go of him.

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