We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together.(Logan Henderson One Shot)

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AN:It hurts me to have her treat Logan like this, but at least it's only a story! :) The song for this will be "We are never ever ever getting back together" by Taylor Swift. ~Lauren


I hate love, I hate boys, I hate both those things more then anything on the face of this earth.

Love to me was this foreign thing that showed up in my life and lasted for such a short while before this “amazing guy” decided to call it off between us last weekend, now I was bitter towards the whole “being in love” concept.

In fact, he tried to call me again last night, six times before I had finally shut off my cell phone, I could not take anymore of his stupid games.

I could not take anything about this guy lightly anymore, he was a mistake from the moment I laid eyes on him, the moment we first locked eyes to the moment we first kissed under the stars during that romantic beach picnic at 1:30 in the morning.

Who is this boy, you may ask?

Oh, it was no one really, just some guy name Logan Henderson.

Yes, you heard me right, I said Logan Henderson, that guy that's in that boy band that you like on T.V and I'm too mad right now to even say the bands name.

Sure, I knew the band had nothing to do with went down between Logan and I, but I knew that Logan had probably written an entire album about me that they were recording at this very moment.

This is how music works, it's all about life and I was his whole life.

You know that song “Time Of Our Lives”?

Yeah, that was written about me, about the moment we first met and now I wished I've never even heard it, because the tune was stuck in my head ALL the time!

Even worst?

It was the song blaring out the speakers right now at my best friends party, but I could not blame her for that because nobody in my world knew about my hard breakup with Logan, which is what I wanted, because if they knew they'd try hooking me up with some other guy when I wasn't really interested.

I hate love now, remember?

I sat on a chair in a corner of the room, blocking out the party, blocking out the happy boyfriends and girlfriends that danced together as if their little relationship was the most perfect thing on this planet.

So pathetic..

I sat in a red spaghetti strapped dress that was a few inches longer then my knees, my head propped in my hands as I stared down at my red high heels.

This was my party outfit, which Logan loved more then any other outfit I had in my closest, he said the red was a bold color for such a pale skinned, blond haired girl and that's why he loved me, because I was bold and not afraid to make a move.

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