Day 1

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Sorry if this is crappy and/or boring. I used the Brantsteele Hunger Games Simulator for this because I felt like it'd be fun to write. Enjoy!

Trigger Warning: Blood

3rd Person

Rich and Chloe decided to become allies last minute. Rich, Chloe, Brooke, and Jake all had a plan. They did the unexpected. They knew Michael would think Rich and Jake would protect each other and Chloe and Brooke would protect each other (which was the original plan) but they figured Michael and Jeremy would team up and The Two Player Game™ would be able to take them out if they knew the plan.

So they changed the plan.

Rich and Brooke worked together to gather as many supplies as possible. Jenna, a Capricorn, decided she was doing this alone. She had been betrayed a lot before, she's not trusting anyone with her life. Michael found a first aid kit and a rag so he put those in his bag quickly, put the backpack on, and hurried off quickly.

Christine finds a spear. "F- Fuck it," she says gaining confidence slowly. She knows she has to live for her little sister. Her parents both died so who would take care of Christine's 8 year old sibling? It had to be Christine. "I can do this," she whispered. Her plan was to hide up in a tree and when she saw someone with supplies, she'd drop the spear and kill them.

The first person she saw... happened to be Jeremy. Jeremy wore a backpack with all his supplies and ran quickly to a meeting place Michael, Christine, and him had agreed on. The spear pierced Jeremy's right shoulder. He fell to his knees, blood spilling from his arm. He looked up to see Christine who looked half shocked and half accomplished. "Christine!" he thought they were a team? Good luck trusting your other ally, Jeremy!

"Oww!" he whined and grabbed his shoulder. "JEREMY!" Michael yelled and ran to his side. Michael instantly took of his backpack and fished out the first aid kit. "It's okay, you're gonna be okay," he attempts to clean Jeremy's wound. Jeremy's vision grew blurry and dark. "What the hell, Christine? We had an alliance!" Michael shouted. Michael thought again about everyone who he thought he knew. Was he gonna be right about everyone else?

If Christine could do something like this... who's to say Jeremy- But he completely let go of that thought. Jeremy doesn't have the capability to hurt Michael. "Jeremy?" Michael asks his half-alive best friend. Michael continued to treat Jeremy's wounds, ignoring the rustling in the tree above him. 5 minutes later, a voice of betrayal behind him said: "Put more pressure on the top of his shoulder... The side will look injured but it's just the blood."

Michael looked behind him to see Christine. "I don't want your help," he replied while following her instructions. She may have betrayed him, but she knows her shit. "Look, I'm sorry, but I can help you!" she reasoned. "Jeremy is hurt! Whether it accidentally happened or you purposely tried to kill him, he's still bleeding!" Michael told her, looking her dead in the eye. "Sit up," she told Jeremy and had his shoulder properly cleaned and bandaged in a matter of 30 seconds.

"Be careful, Jeremy," she said kindly referring to the fact that Jeremy should not move his shoulder anymore than necessary. "And you be careful too, Michael."


"I don't want to see anyone die... but that's the only way to win... so, I've got this explosive I found in the Cornucopia." Jenna livestreams on social media. She propped her phone up on a rock as she fixed up the trap. Anyone running away... BOOM. Severely injured, if not... dead," her voice cracked on the word 'dead.'

She began to chop wood and board up an area for shelter. It looked like a small above-ground cave but Jenna called it 'cozy.' She looked out to see how her little trap could help her win. She thought since everyone teamed up already, no one would die.

She watched someone run from a taller person. The runner ran right into Jenna's trap. "RICH!" Jake's voice called. The chaser ran hoping not to step on a mine or an explosive trap. Jenna felt a tear on her face. She decided she may as well give up now. She realized her camera still filmed her. "I can't do this," and she ended the livestream.

Chloe and Brooke gathered as many supplies as possible on the other side of the arena. "Rich has been gone for too long!" Brooke whined. She took the small amount of arrows she had and a bow and wrapped it around her, heroically.

Chloe admired Brooke's blonde braid. "I'm scared, he might be in danger!" she continued to argue. "From who? Michael? We all know that boy can't hurt a fly!" Chloe convinced her. "He'll be fine. Plus, he's got Jake! And Jake's got him." she took the arrows from her so Brooke wouldn't have to go out. "They'll be okay," Chloe smiled.

"You promise?" Brooke moved closer to her girlfriend. "I promise. I love you." she offered her pinky finger. Their 'thing' when they were young was making pinky promises. "I love you, too Chloe," Brooke hooked her finger around Chloe's.

"Come on, you got this," Jake's comforting voice echoed. "Oh no," Chloe thought. "Ow, shit!" Rich hissed. Brooke immediately rushed to the front of their half-built shelter to see Jake and Rich holding onto each other and Rich clutching some sort of crappy Jake-made crutch. "Explain," she worriedly said. "Tho, apparently, there'th thowrdth (swords) now... and I don't know who it wath, but I ran." Rich explained, following Brooke's orders.

"You got stabbed?" Brooke looked shocked and scared. "No, he stepped on a landmine," Jake told her. "Okay, well we're gonna have to make you a better crutch than that," Chloe pointed out. "HOLY SHIT, YOU GUYS!" Brooke yelled out, "WE CAN CALL HIM CRUTCHIE NOW! FROM NEWSIES!" Chloe clapped at Brooke's idea and Jake simply said: "Oh, then can I be your Jack?"

"You already were!" Rich flirted back and they started kissing. Rich almost fell over but Jake caught him, their lips never disconnecting. Everyone, in a different situation had a common thought: "God, I hope no one dies today,"

Eventually, they will be forced to kill each other, whether it's in their subconscious mind or not. And don't forget about the other people who aren't in their friend group. The people who don't know them. They'll do what it takes to win.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Day 2 coming soon!

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