A work of Art

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Seventh period, art class. Art class is a nice way to end the day if you ask me. I like this class because I don't have to talk to anyone. I can just pull out my sketch book and doodle for 45 minutes.

I pulled out my sketch book and flipped through pages mindlessly looking at old art. While doing so I came across my sketch of Bakugou. The second I saw it, I stopped flipping.

I placed the book on my desk, open to the sketch from yesterday, and just sorta... stared at it. I still can't believe I saw him. To me it's just too unreal.

Just looking at the sloppy sketch gave me a warm and happy feeling.

I took one more glance at the drawing before flipping to a clean pag—

"Hey I remember him!" Wh-what?!

"He went to our middle school! You and him were like best friends!"

I turned back to see who was talking. I'm not surprised Mina remembers him.

"He sure grew up!" She said laughing. "Hold up... when did you draw this?"

"Huh? Oh... uh yesterday." I responded shakily.

Her eyes lit up and her smile widened.

"Is he back?!" She asked slamming her hands on my desk.

"W-well... yeah... he is—"

"I can't believe it!"

Mina and Bakugou were pretty good friends back in middle school. They didn't talk too often, but their loud personalities got along quite well.

"Mina, who are you talking about?" Asked Kaminari as he approached her.

"Bakugou!" She shouted.

Immediately, I see faces light up in joy, or eyes roll in disgust.

Bakugou used to be really popular. But he was also really hated. It probably had something to do with how hot headed he is— or was. He'd get mad and lash out at everything and everyone (except me). But despite that, there was still quite a lot of people who liked him and his... explosive personallity.

"Wait, Bakugou's back?" Questioned Sero, one of Kaminari and Mina's friends. Him and Bakugou didn't seem to hangout much, but when they did they always seemed pretty friendly with each other.

"According to Todoroki he is!" Mina shouted loud enough for the class next door to hear.

I felt everyones eyes lock on to me, as if they expected me to say something on the topic. I immediately felt anxious and uncomfortable. And unable to speak.

"When did you see him?" Asked Kirishima. Kirishima was one of Bakugou's closest friends. He's probably really happy to hear he's back... th-that's... uh, good for him.

"Y-yesterday." I stuttered.

"Is he coming back to school?" He asked. Sounding a bit impatient.

"I don't think so... m-maybe?"

"Man, I hope so!"

Bakugou and Kirishima got along oddly well despite their total opposite personalities. Honestly, it made me jealous seeing them talk and laugh together. Wow, that sounds stupid.

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