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"deal LET THE GAMES BEGIN"i yelled i been watching alot of hunger games is my guilty pleasures "ok lets start tommorow and remember not to fall in love with each other''we shook hands  im not that nervous  because i know that im not in love with him already. right?.i was  heading back to my car i saw someone leaning on my car but i could not see his face because he was facing the other way, i called out "HEY YOU WAT ARE  YOU DOING ON MY CAR" wen he/she  turned around i could not beliver it "wat youre not ganna give me a hug?" i ran to him and hugged the living shit out off him "cant. breath.help" though breaths i  giggle "wat are you doing here i thought you were on tour!!!" i asked "well were on break right now" ooo yea my best friend is HARRY STYLES  even though i get  alot off hate for that but i learned to ignore it  "i really missed you  my HAAZA" i said with a baby  voice "i missed you to kitten " and hugged me then out of the nothing i been riped out of harrys embrace and pressed to someones hard chest "MINE" i know that voice its zack and he sound very mad oooh nooo "kitten who is he?" harry asked "harry he is zack and he is my mate" i said with a sigh harry understood because he is a warewolf to he was in my pack he is a omega so he is very important to the pack he left because he thought that his mate was ganna be a human but  i guess he had no luck on finding her . "DONT CALL HER KITTEN I THE ONLY ONE THAT CALL  HER NAMES" he said angrily as he hardens his grip on my waist "zack  calm  down harry  is only a friend and also the omega of the pack so behave" zack calmed  down "yea just a friend" harry  whisperd bearly abel to hear him i swear i saw hurt pass his eyes 

omg wats ganna happen next team zack or team harry you decided comment a zack and zoey or for harry  or zoe

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