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i stormed out of the house not letting him some thing back  i grabbed lilly hand and getting in the car "to wich club are we going too?" lilly said exided  "ummm let me think.......OMEGA CLUB" i yelled omega club was aplace that you can find 'the' man of youre dreams theres different types . when we got there me and lilly got out  of the car fist pumping and yelling "WERES THE BODY WE WANT THE BOOTTYY" we resived wholf howls .me and lilly went straight to get some shots and a bardiner came "can we have 100 shots plzz"  i bet youre saying that to much shots but like were ware wolfs we cant get drunk fast "yea that will be 200.69 plzz" there is when i realized that wen we left the house i forgot my money  "OMG LILLY WE FORGOT THE MONEY" i yelled i started paniking  she became wide eye " ill pay for the ladys right kitten" i turned around and saw harry  i hugged him " thank you hazza i love you" and kissed the corner of his mouth he blushed and  smirked .

2 hours later.......

me and harry were grinding on each other i was pretty drunk and didnt know wat  i was doing  i started grinding harder on harry he growled i can tell he was close of reaching his climax  i grinded even harder he came and panted "i think we should take a break hazza " walking to the table  but harry snaked his hand around my waist " you not going to leave me like this kitten " i turned around and looked at him he looked to his pelvis and i followed his eyes and saw that he had  a huge bulge and pulled away " no harry we cannot do this " right now i  wish that lily  was here to save me but  noo she had to leave  with a man  then we heard a voice " hazzaaaa" we turned and saw 4 boys and i might say they were HOT.

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