a twin and harry sexy friends part 2

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"boobear" harry ran and hugged a boy with  'kinda' justin bieber  hair and kissed him on the check wait is he gay or bi sexual  ' IM SOO CONFUSED' "zoe i want you to meet my  mates" i just noodded waiting for him to continio on "this is zayn " he pointed to a gorgous man with a mystirious look on his face "this is liam " he was very  mascuilin and with a nice beard going on " this i louis " he pointed to a guy that harry basicly almost dry humped earlyer i nodded "and finally THE ONE AND ONLY NIALL HORAN " harry announced a guy with dirty bloned and blue eye he was pretty good hair cut 'but not as hot as our mate'  my wolf said i just cut the connection and looked back at the boys "nice to meet you boys  im zoella for short zoe " i said i was going for a hand shake but suddenly i was attacked by louis  ps.he smelled good lol ,"im a huggger"  he said i already know i going to get along with this boy , afted i hand shook the boys hands  i went to the bath room i was slammed to the wall i looked up to see  zack ......... WAIT....... he stayed at home and i put silver in the doors so he could not get out this can not be zack  then who the fuck is this "hey sexy how are you doing, i just wanted to pass by and tell you that youre mine youre my mate " i was shocked "i already have a mate that no fricking possible is this a SICK TRICK " i yelled i got out of his grip and ran home not caring about harry and his friends when i got home i took the silver out of the door handle i went to the living room i found zack and the guy from the bar and i just realized the look alike ..........wait a second.....OMFG....there twins  how did i did not notice the guy is only slightly taller than zack  "finn i want you to meet my mate zoe " ........ dunnn  dunn dunn wat do you think and plzz dont comment about my spelling   and sorry for not uplouding i have school and going to the gym  and shit well bye toodles .....

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