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"WATT"  i  was freaking out my wolf was howling of  joy 'can you stop howling' i said 'SHUT UP and be nice to our mate' she said ' no and shut up Mrs.purr' she didnt reply back i smirked " so can i come in?" he said rocking on his heels "no" and closed the door in his face and ran to the rooom locked it and got my phone out and texted lilly  hey lillly ;) im sorry i havent talked to you inn a while wanna come over and ill tell you everything ps. gils  night'  i got the pop corn and treats ready and chick flick. hey not because im a bad ass i can have my girly moments 3 minutes later i got a text  'hey zoe;) its okay i was buzy too  and yea ill meet you in 5 mins kk' she reply i smiled and started to walk to the living room i screammed loud and got a chair and started hitting the peorson with a chair "ZOE STOP ITS ME ZACK " i stooped and looked at him with a blank expression "how did you got in my house" i asked " you forgott to lock the door" he said with his stupid grin "wat ever lilly is ganna come DONT GET NEAR MY ROOM UNDERSTOOD" i  used ny alpha tone "ooohh when you used youre alpha tone on me is so sexy " he said while biting his sexy pink lips 'really zoe snap out of it' i said to my self  then there was a knock on my door i walked to it still in my shirt  and under garments  i opended the door "hey lilly you ready " lilly looked at me and at zack then back to me and scanned my body and frezzed when she saw wat i was wearing  "zoe can i talk to you in a sec" she said but she didnt let me reply and dragged me upstairs to my room "ZOE WHY ARE YOU DRESSED LIKE THAT WHY IS HE HERE? YOU HAVE TO TELL ME EVERY THING" she said screaming that i can only hear " lilly nothing happend he just can here i closed the door on him but somehow he got in" she just nodded "he is also is my mate"she sat there shocked i rapidly i cover her mouth preparing for her to scream she let out a high pitched scream good thing i have sound proff wall THANK THE LORD *** when she stopped screaming i uncovered her mouth she had still a shocked face expression  "lilly youre scaring me here say something"  i said there impasiently waiting "im still in shock no wonder he kept staring at youin class and the way he used to send glares to all the boys that stared at you" she said kinda understanding "yea well  hes not ganna keep us from having our girls night" i said "yea but it is basicly not a girl night if we have him here" she was right I HAVE AN IDEA "LILLY LETS GO TO THE CLUB" i said with a hyper expression "YEA LETS GET READY" we jumped in the shower together we already seen each other naked so no biggy when we got out we started doing my hair half up half down and did smokey eye and red lipstick and a very sexy black dress (picture on the side ;) ) lilly  was wearing a hot pink dress than complemented her figure well and she curled her hair and eye liner and pink lipstick "zoe you look stunning i would turn lesbian just for you woman"  she said "thanks chummy" and we headed to the door suddendly i crashed into a wall I HATE WALLS ...WAIT WHY IS THE WALL BRETHING OOH UHH  i looked up and saw zack staring at me then scaning my body "where. do. you. think .youre.going" zack said his eyes turning black "none off youre consern" i said said . (cliff hanger i love you my chummys good bye)

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