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It was already dark in Charming when Kate turned her Porsche onto the porch of Teller-Morrow Automotive Repair. She parked it next to the Dodge that was parked in one of the spots and looked over at the lighted porch, two men seated on the table, beers in their hands and a cigarette lit up. She got out of the car and locked the doors behind her. "Are you lost, sweetheart?". She easily recognized the Scottish accent of Chibs, whom she had met earlier. "Just looking for my brother". Kate replied with a shrug and stepped into the light. "Katie, it's you". He smiled, even though he had only once seen her before. Jax' family, was SAMCRO family. "Go inside, love. He'll be at the bar probably". Chibs nodded towards the door and she nodded with a tired smile, hearing him explain to Bobby, the bigger man with the Sigar that was seated on the opposite of him, that she was Jax' sister. Kate pushed the door open and was met the smell of men, booze and motorcycles, the environment that she somehow did not mind at all. Perhaps because it reminded her of Sweet Pea.

Jax was indeed seated at the bar, looking up at Opie as he nodded behind him, while he was busy rolling another cigarette from the tabacco in the small bag. "Kate, what are you doing here?". He asked, getting up to wrap his arms around her. "Escaping hell". She mumbled against his sweather, slowly letting go of him. "Well, who's this hot lady?". Tig came around the corner, looking at her with a grin. "She's my sister, jackass. Don't you dare to lay a finger on her, Tig". Jax warned, even though he had to laugh a bit about his gangmember's behaviour. "Sit down, take a shot. I feel like this might be a story. Piney, pour her some Jack's, will ya?". He called over his shoulder and Piney nodded, moving to grab the bottle from the shelf. "My parents have gone crazy". Kate started as she sat down on the bar stool. "They're in with the Lodges for a plan to build a prison on the bones of Southside Highschool, they kept it all a secret from me, because I'd probably tell my boyfriend and then give them some rebellious times".

"Let me guess, it turned out worse?". Jax guessed and she nodded with a sigh, taking the shot of liquor and coughing as it burned through her throat. "There was this schoolpresident bullshit where Veronica Lodge thinks she can go all Disney and sing a song and everybody will choose for her. It was funny at first because Ethel, her father was one of the Lodge's victums, completely roasted her, but then she turned to me and accused me of working together with her and not stopping my parents when I had the power to. Sweet Pea broke up with me straight away... God, I feel like such a dramatic teen now". It made Jax laugh and he patted her knee. "Point is, my parents are getting in with the mobsters. Their business is not clean anymore. If I told anyone of the Southside, they'd hurt my friends. I'm afraid there will be a riot soon". Kate said, looking down at the bracelet around her wrist. "I get it. I'm trying to get us out of the dirty business for a long time too. It's not easy". Jax shook his head.

"Before we went out of Riverdale after we distributed the drugs from them to Mayans MC, we came across a blonde woman, she wanted take them back, did you know her?". Opie asked, speaking up for the first time. "Penny Peabody". Kate nodded. "That bitch". An older woman's voice rose as she came around the corner, her boots clicking against the floor. Gemma Teller came to see who had visited her son and the motorclub. "He has a girlfriend, by the way, and she's pregnant, so I don't know who you are and-...". "Mom, this is my sister Kate". Gemma's eyes widened. "Oh my god, babe, I'm so sorry". She apologized. "I'm Gemma". She leaned her hands on the bar. "We're like family, but also not". Kate smiled weakily. "You are family, don't worry". Jax curled his arm around her shoulders. He took her away from the rest of them, walking through the hallways of their clubhouse. The laughter of the bar died down as the door closed behind them, some lights on the wall lighting up picture frames and other memorial things.

"This was our father, can you imagine that?". Jax pointed at a mugshot of their father. "No way". Kate laughed, taking a closer look. "Running a club, was in his blood. And it's in mine too. Which is why I stay close to my heart...". He patted on his chest, his hand covering the Men of Mayhem sign. "And he chose to do something else and wipe away his past. But you can never wipe away your past. He became a lawyer and then he got married to your mother, a year later you were born. For you, this version of your father never existed". Kate's eyes wandered over at the other mugshots, finding one of Chibs and Bobby too, which made her chuckle lightly. "You say 'your father', you don't see him as our dad anymore?". She asked, looking up at him. "No, the only father figure that has been there for me when dad was too busy to get married and change his life for your mother, John Teller was the only one who helped me. His way of leading this club is something I strife to achieve here. A clean, good, MC. No bullshit,  no drugs".

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