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Kate pried the key out of her jacket, feeling the stinging pain of her wounded knee. She let the door fall in its lock behind her, making her way to the kitchen to see if she could find the first aid box. She sighed in relief as she found it in one of the cabinets. Honestly, Kate wouldn't be surprised if she ended up searching through the whole house and die halfway because she didn't look good enough. She sat down on one of the chairs, shaking some of the cleaning alcohol on a cotton to clean the nasty cut the edge of the pavement had created in her knee. Kate hissed at the sting of the alcohol, however she kept dabbing the blood and dirt away.

She dug her nails in her palm to distract herself from the sharp pain, letting go of a breath she didn't know she was holding when she was done. She took the scissors to cut off the plaster and cover up the wound, then wrapping her knee up in a band aid to keep it away from any friction that could open the wound again. Kate stood up and quickly cleaned up the kitchen, making sure to leave no traces in case her mother would start to worry too much. She nibbled on her lower lip as she thought back on the boy she met. She wasn't going to tell them about Sweet Pea either. Kate shook her hair out of the pony tail that kept her hair out of her face.

Her mind wandered back to the boy on the motorcycle. She still wasn't over how incredibly tall he was. It made her think about his age, how old could he be, 18 or something? Older? Younger? The logo that was stitched on the back of his jacket flashed through her head again, Southside was the only thing she was able to read. Besides, he looked pretty dangerous and she didn't want to make him moody or come across as disrespectful when she asked what the logo meant. A snake was the thing that covered his whole back, the gang aura that hung around him let the goosebumps rise upon her arms.

Kate sighed at herself as she was staring at her closet for at least five minutes already. She was mentally too busy with Sweet Pea. Yeah, Sweet Pea. She let out a soft chuckle at the thought of his name, wondering what the reason was why that was his name or if it was his gang name or something like that. She decided to shake it off and run the shower to let the water become warm. Kate rolled her eyes as she should've waited with wrapping her knee up in the band aid. She took a plastic bag and tore a part so she could keep her knee dry while showering. She relaxed at the feeling of the hot water hitting her bare skin.

Kate turned the water off when she washed her body and hair, wrapping it up in a towel as she got dressed in her sweats and a loose shirt. She made her way downstairs and her parents just turned onto the porch. She poured herself a glass of iced tea and sat down at the dining table in the middle of the wide kitchen. Her parents had brought something to eat as well, putting a bag on the table with the letters "Pop's" written on it. She raised her eyebrows as she hadn't seen this Pop's Chocklit Shoppe when she was outside for her run, but didn't ask about it anyway. "Did you manage to find your way around the house, honey?". Her mother asked with a smile as she got some plates on the table.

"Yeah, I did. Watched some Netflix afterwards". Kate smiled, gnawing on her bottom lip as she was lying, something she rarely did as she knew how easy it was to figure out the truth. She decided to push those thoughts out of her mind and start on the burger and fries that were shoved onto her plate. Her parents sat down on either side of her and they silently enjoyed the dinner. Kate's mind went back to what the boy on the motorcycle had told her.

"With a fucked up knee and a killer on the loose, that sounds great, doesn't it?". His words had sounded harsh, making her doubt if he just wanted to scare her more or if he was speaking the truth. She parted her lips to ask about it, if her parents had heard anything about it, however she quickly pursed them together again as she had to explain from who she had heard it. Kate drank her glass of iced tea and stretched her arms above her head with a yawn, bringing her plate to the kitchen. "I think I'm heading off to bed". She mentioned and went upstairs without waiting for their response.

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