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A wakes up after sleeping with Z on her desk. She looked around, Z wasn't there and her clothes were in a neat pile next to her.

"Neat freak." she said out loud to her self as she buttons up a tattered, what used to be white, blouse and tan, stained with mud, ripped pants.

She left her little office and started to walk around watching everyone piling into different places. That's when she started to walk to the outskirts, past the fields that no longer had food and past the guards that patrolled the perimeter, to the hill full of flowers. That is the only place she feels at peace.

She sat down on the cold hard ground thinking about the soundless of the world. How it was never like this before today. The world was so beautiful and the world was so empty and yet it was full of monsters. How back then it was so full of life with only myths.


She told the new batch the truth, but never does she tell them what happened afterwards.

A's real name is Cathleen, she had a loving family, at least what she had left. Her father left and never returned after her yongest brother was born. The older brother, Chris, was about to go into the army to fight in the dreaded war until it ended. Most of the time A was looking after her little brother when her oldest and mother were of working the jobs they had that day. She was with her friends when the bombs dropped, but right after they woke up they went to there houses to find their parents who would still be in their homes.

A's house is all away across town, five or six miles from the town center. She ran as fast as she could to get there. As she ran houses were no longer there just foundations, which were cracked. Once she got closer to her house, now some of the houses were intact, only some were half up and half down. She got to her house and stopped in her tracks. There in the front hall of their house was Chris eating her little brother, Chris was only eighteen, her youngest brother not even in double digits yet.

Her youngest brothers eyes where open seemingly look out the door into what he wishes to be a blue sky. Chris back was turned to her to focus on eating her little brother into a shell with nothing to protect. But finally he did, his face was like a Picasso painting, his mouth on his forehead, his nose where his mouth used to be and his eyes both on his cheek, but one was sideways. Blood covering his face and hands.

Chris got up and then ran at her in one quick movement, but she was quicker and slammed the door before he could grab it. She cried the entire way to the meeting place she and her friends made.

A picked made that her name because it was not that she hated her name but she wanted to remember, remember the time of happiness and the boy that made her fight. The boy, her brother, was named Alex.


M.N. was there with A when the bombs dropped. Standing next to A and her twin sister Nicky. M.N. is short for Martha Nacy. She hated both those names and told people to call her M.N., it stuck easily.

M.N. had no other sibling other than her twin, their mother died giving birth to them. Her father had to raise them when ever he was home. Usually when new children are born the mother stay until they are five or if there is a older sibling the mother stays until they are two. But in the case of M.N. the governments have to supply a nanny to live with them until they are five or so. M.N. always look after her twin, even though they where they were the same age, because Nicky was slower than the rest of their age. The nanny saw this and she told her father and government that she has autism and that she never has to work.

When they were just children they never left each other's sides, they protected over each other. As they got older and grew up you expect that they grew apart but they actually got closer. A few years after the nanny left their dad died while doing his work, they called it a freak accident. M.N. and Nicky were alone in the world fending for them selfs.

Only a year past when their father died when the war ended for good and new one started.

Nicky never survived no matter how hard M.N. fought and protected her, once Nicky's powers kicked in she couldn't control them. Those who cannot control their powers will be consumed and die from the gift they were blessed with.

M.N. never grieved nor cried, she new once the bombs hit they were never be any hope for Nicky. The war between children and monster is a hard one to fight. If you don't have control of your powers, you will die like the rest of them.


Z lived in the same town A did, though they never did meet.

Z is his real name, not short for anything. Z was the only child of Mary and Scat. Scat was a general of the war that died right on Z's fifth birthday. While Mary was an intelligence officer. Z stayed most of his life with his grandfather, a survivor and a ranking of major in the war.

Even though his grandfather always was paranoid and cried day in and out, he was educated very well. Schooling was stopped when Z's parents were in first grade. So how Z learn to read and write was from his grandfather. His grandfather also taught other children from the neighborhood; Z was very grateful for what his grandfather did for him up until he died. His grandfather died only a week before the bomb hit.

The day the bomb struck, his house collapsed while he was in it, he screamed for help and A found him. You could say it was love at first sight. They never left each other side along with M.N. The inseparable trio.


As A sat there looking up as the gray sky thinking about everything. She saw something glade though the sky. Very rarely you find wild life because that is the second thing mutants will eat. A doesn't want to see the world she lives in to be over run by mutants that will eat everything until only plants survive, and their will be no intelligent life on earth. She plans to whip out the mutants until none are left.

"The children's war," she said out loud. "A perfect name for it."

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