Theres a Knock on the Door

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There was a qutie knock on A's door. A looked at the door thinking about what she can do at this very moment. She was doing nothing but reading a book she hadn't read about a thousand times before.

"Come in," A said putting down her old tattered book.

"Hi," Said the girl with blonde hair and wide grey eyes. "I'm Patricia..."

"Hi," A asked confusing. "Why are you here?"

"Well," Patrica said coming a little closer into the room. "I've heard things and not good things."

"That always happen sweat heart, but I don't think there's anything."

"But a few people are talking about this war someone is trying to start. Half of us on the mutant side and the other on yours."

"That's impossible," A said getting up and started to pase.

"What can we do? What do this mutants have against us? What does this person have against us?"

"These mutant," A shook her head. "Imagine killing your dead brother but really it's not him. It is an ugly looking mutant making you think you are seeing your dead brother. Then you take your guard down for a half a second because you saw a glimmer of hope that your family is alive. But because of you hesitation you will get killed instantly by that mutant. But this war, won't happen until the spring. Normally the mutants should be hibernating all winter."

Patricia looked shocked, "I... I didn't think they could do that, I thought they alway looked like that, ugly and weird."

"Patricia, if this is true, you have to tell me everything you hear. Okay? Everything about this war someone wants to start. But I am not telling you to join their side. They will think that you are a traitor when they see you talking to me, got it?"

Patricia nodded, not saying a word.
"Thank you Patricia, really. Because of this any position you want, qualified or not, you will get, okay?"

Patricia nodded and then left the room.
A sat back down and started to think, all societies have bumps like these. But as hard as she thought she couldn't think of a civil war between a group who buddies up with their common enemy.

There's was another knock on the door.
"Come in," A said looking down at her desk.

Cassy came in with another redhead, her name Catherine, both smiling. Cassy is one of the trainers that the warriors see for fighting. Catherine is one of Cassy best friends and helps her out a lot.

"Yes?" A looked at them.

"We wanted to show you something that the runners found on one of their runs." They both held out something. Cassy held out three big books that said Volume I,II, and III of How This World Came To Be, with pieces a oddly folded paper ontop. While Catherine held out more rolled paper.

"What are theses?"

"Maps and history books. Thought you like these because you are our leader and-"

"You know I don't like that word." A interrupted Cassy.

"Anyways," Catherine said filling the silence. "These could be useful," she rolled out one of the maps, "Map out where we been, where we need to go. Battle plans even."

"I'm not going to war anytime soon." A said moving a piece of dirty blond hair away from her face.

"Well, you never know when the mutants will attack," Cassy said. "maybe not to day. Maybe not even soon, but it will happen."

"Thank you for these, but I like to be alone now." A said looking at them. They both left without a word.

A couldn't believe about that war kept coming up. She found peace for a few years that God gave her. She was thankful for that but she couldn't help but wonder that if God would tell her about a traitor in her ranks or if she should prepare for war. As A thought of it more, the more stressed and anxious she got. She had to talk to someone she could trust, she only trusted two people. One of them will give her advice while the other will only say blow it off.

"M.N.?" A said in her head. "Come to my office, please?"

"Why? What is it?"

"Please just come, and hurry." A pleaded.

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