"Mood swing"

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It was another ordinary day in Erickson's, ordinary to most of the kids anyway, everyone was doing just okay, getting on with their chores and tasks for the day.

It was around noon when Louis realised that he hadn't seen his girlfriend all day, which wasn't so ordinary, Clementine was normally up and about by this time, doing what she normally does.

Louis' eyebrows furrow in confusion, there wasn't supposed to be a run today, so there was  no chance that she was outside the walls.

"Hey Louis"

His eyes do a quick double take of the garden, making sure that she wasn't there, to which she wasn't. It was only when his eyes fell back to their original view did he notice that AJ was standing before him.

"Hey AJ" he greets politely. "Have you seen Clem today by any chance?"

"She's in the room, but she's really angry today, nearly yelled at me earlier" AJ says, confusion slipping it's way into his voice.

"Do you know why?" Louis questions, Clementine yelling at anyone, especially AJ, was definitely not like her.

"Nope, she's just been in a bad mood ever since she woke up"

"I'll go check up on her, thanks AJ" Louis smiles at the boy appreciatively, already beginning to walk his way back words before turning and pacing in the direction of the school.

He was shocked at AJ's words, even though he didn't seem shocked in the moment. He had seen the girl angry on only a few occasions since she got here, and he can easily say that he never ever wants to get on her bad side.

He approaches her door minutes later, standing with his ear to the door to see if he could hear any movement from inside the room, he couldn't.

Slowly, he raises his fist and gently knocks a few times.

"Come in" he hears her voice come from the other side, except it wasn't her normally was, she sounded groggy, almost as if she were in pain.

Louis pushes the door open, surprised to find his girlfriend bent over, one hand clutching the dresser, and the other on her stomach.

"Clem, you okay?" He asks, wary. He fully enters the room and closes the door behind him. As he gets closer, the girl reaches a hand out, stopping him from getting too close.

"I'm fine" is all she says, taking Louis off guard slightly.

"You sure don't look it" Louis answers. Her head snaps up at him, eyes blaring with fury.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" She snaps, eyes burning him. It was only then that Louis realised the double meaning behind his words.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way, I meant by the way your holding your stomach" he explains simply, not receiving a response.

Simply clocks within Louis and his eyes widen massively. "Wait, please don't tell me you're preg-"

"Of course I'm not pregnant you idiot!" She yells at him, the fire returning to her eyes.

"Sorry, dumb question"

"You bet is was a dumb question" Clem says, standing up straight only to groan and clutch onto her stomach once again.

"What's wrong?" Louis asks, pretty much still oblivious to the situation.

"What the fuck do you think is wrong?" Clementine groans out, nodding her head towards her bed. It's only when Louis notices the empty tampon wrapper does he clock on.

"Ohhh, time of the month?"

"Congratulations, you got it" She reply's sarcastically, glaring daggers at the boy before her.  He puts his hands up in surrender.

Her angry glare turns into one of pain, as her head lowers and a small whimper comes from her. Louis suddenly feels himself feeling sympathetic, he could easily say he was glad he wasn't a girl.

He approaches Clementine from her blind side, before wrapping his arms around her waist from behind, resting his chin in the crook of her shoulder.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" He asks kindly, planting a quick kiss of her temple.

"Could you get me some painkillers? And um..." she comes to a halt.

"What is it?"

"I was going to ask if you would cuddle with me" she asks shyly.

A smile came to Louis' face, normally it was him who was the affectionate one, so it made him happy that he didn't have to be the one initiating the affection.

"Of course, you lie down, I'll go get you painkillers" he replies sweetly, not commenting on the way her cheeks were lightly tinted with pink. He unwraps himself from her, guiding her to her bed.

"Thank you, you're the best" She reply's, smiling.

He smiles back, heading out of the door, closing it slowly.


He returns less than ten minutes later, only to a sight he hadn't expected.

Clementine lay in her same position, sleeping soundly. The sight made him smile in awe, he had always wondered how the girl was able to fall asleep so quickly.

Quietly, as to not woke the sleeping girl, he closes the door, going to place down the painkillers as well as the chocolate bar he had grabbed along the way for her.  He takes off his jacket before climbing onto the bed.

He gets himself into a comfortable position before pulling the girl into him, her head resting gently against his shoulder as he wraps both his arms around her.

She instantly snuggles into him in her sleep, re positioning herself as well as pulling him closer to her.

He gives her one last kiss on the forehead and whispers goodnight.

And it wasn't long until he was out too.

This was bad but oh well #swag

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