"Hands off"

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"You know they're just friends, right?" Louis finally takes his intent stare away from his girlfriend and the new kid to place his gaze on Marlon, who stood with a knowing smirk.

A few days ago, their group had a run in with another small group of kids, one of which was called Gabe, who Clementine crushed in a hug upon seeing him. They looked so happy to see each other and the way they held onto each other so tightly made Louis' jealousy bubble and his fists clench.

He knew he was overreacting and that there was nothing to worry about, Clem had made it clear that there was no feelings towards the boy at all, however Louis couldn't help but think that Gabe didn't feel the same. Louis always caught him checking her out, occasionally winking at her to which Clem would laugh, taking the matter as a joke. But this would make Louis wrap a protective arm around her waist, or plant a firm kiss either on her lips or forehead, proving the point and making it unbearably obvious that they were together.

"I know, I just don't trust him" Louis reply's, crossing his arms across his chest, moving his eyes back to the pair he was originally watching. She was laughing at something he'd said, giving him that slap on the shoulder that she always did to Louis when he would say something flirty and make her blush.

"You think he likes her?" Marlon wonders, also watching them laugh together, the stood hidden out of Gabe and Clem's eye view, making it easier for them to watch what was going on, not having to worry about being caught.

"Probably" He sighs, rubbing his forehead in frustration.

All of a sudden his glaring stops and his eyes head to the ground where he begins kicking his feet about nervously. "What if" He pauses and winces, almost as if the thought going through his head caused him physical pain. "What is she leaves me for him?" He mumbles quietly.

Marlon doesn't reply, instead he raises his hand and smacks him over the head.

"Ow! What the fuck was that for?"

"For being such a dumbass, I mean look at him" Marlon uses the hand that wasn't rested on Louis' shoulder to point to the boy, who was standing a couple centimetres closer to his girl. "What could she potentially see in him?"

Louis takes a second to observe them, grimacing when he makes her laugh yet again. "He seems to make her laugh a lot"

"Oh, and you don't make her laugh?" He says sarcastically.

"Well yeah, but-"

"Exactly, there is no competition, Clementine loves you and only you, and she would never ever leave you for some pussy boy wearing a beanie" He finishes, the ending making Louis laugh loudly.

"Maybe you're right"

"Of course I am"

They share a final laugh before looking back to the two.

Louis instantly stiffens up, confused, upon seeing how uncomfortable Clem now looked. She was doing that awkward thing where she rubs her left hand up her right arm and then wraps her arms around herself, like she's giving herself a hug. That, as well the awkward face that she was making, her posture screaming discomfort.

Marlon must've noticed it too. "What do you thinks going on? Clem looks like she wants to run"

Louis squints his eyes to get a better look. "I don't know, should I go over there?"

"No" Marlon shakes his head. "Leave it a couple minutes, then go over" Louis nods back, agreeing with his plan.

Those couple minutes past, neither saying anything as they viewed the scene before them intently.

But then, Gabe nears her, and she stumbles back, keeping the distance between them.

Until Gabe decides there should be no distance.

Louis watches with wide eyes as Gabe kisses her harshly on the lips, a hand tightly wrapped around her waist, snaking down towards her backside.

Louis' breathing deepens and his fists clench so hard he'd sure there would be cuts in his palms. And without even noticing he's doing it, his feet are storming their way, pure unfazed rage in his eyes.

He doesn't focus on the way Clem rips herself away from him, swiping at her lips to remove his taste from her, he can only focus on the boy who his target was aimed upon, Marlon's shouts of his name drowned out by the anger built up in his system.

He doesn't feel any remorse as he clutches onto the collar of Gabe's jacket, dragging him away from his girlfriend and pinning him up against the closest wall. He catches the glimpse of fear in Gabe's eyes, not stopping him from placing his face right in front of his, his haggard and heavy breathing could be both heard and felt by Gabe.

He moves his hands up slightly, close to choking him but not quite.

"I swear to fuck, if I ever see you touch her, look at her or even breathe anywhere near her ever again, I won't hesitate to fucking kill you, do you hear me?" He growls lowly from the very pit of his throat, voice raspy and deep.

Gabe nods quickly, near terrified. Louis was way more tall and in shape than he was, and he know that there was no way he'd even come close to winning a fight against him.

"Say it!" Louis shouts now, getting his face even closer to the boy who tried to back up but couldn't due to the solid wall behind his back.

"I hear you" He says shakily, breathing loudly when Louis finally releases him from his grip.

Louis goes to turn away, but stops. Still not satisfied, he turns round once more and sends Gabe to the ground with one clean punch to the side of the jaw. A couple of gasps can be heard from the crowd of kids who had gathered around to watch.

Louis was very rarely violent, so they were shocked to see Gabe hit the ground, clutching his jaw from a punch that was sent by him.

Finally content, he leaves Gabe to fend for himself as he turns around to many people staring on.

"Shows over folks" He says, trying to calm his uneven breathing. Everyone quickly goes back to whatever they were doing previously.

Louis takes a final deep breath before starting to where Clem stood with Marlon.

"That's my man!" Marlon laughs excitedly, meeting him half way to high five him, an extremely proud smirk on his face, he pats him on the back before walking away.

Louis chuckles back before turning to the girl beside him. "Are you okay?" He asks her with concern.

"Yeah...I'm fine, thanks for sorting him out" She brings him into a hug, seeking comfort in the familiar fragrance that radiated off him.

"Of course, if he ever does anything to you ever again, let me know straight away" He says sternly, mumbling his words into the crook of her neck where he then places a couple gentle kisses.

"I will, although I don't think he ever will, he looked terrified" She giggles, pulling away from the hug but keeping their proximity close and her arms wrapped around his neck.

"He should be, I don't think I've ever been more angry in my life" He kisses her firmly, ridding her of Gabe and instead replacing the taste with his, she sighs in contentment.

She pulls away from the kiss after a few seconds, but keeps their lips only a thread apart. "You're hot when you're angry" She flirts, smirking at him.

"Damn, I should get angry more often then" He flirts right back, sealing another quick kiss on her lips.

And Gabe never went near her again.


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