Chapter Fourteen

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Steve, and Trixie lead the group through the giant castle, and up towards the main hall where they knew they would find Jason, fighting off loyals, and undead monsters all the way through.
As they approached the main hall they were meet with many of the guards running out to meet them.
Josh ran his elbow up, and into one of the loyals' chin, snapping his head back.
The man stumbled back, and Josh finished him off with a front snap kick to the sternum of the man.
The loyal flew backwards, and bounced off the wall before landing face first, and dead on the ground.
Micheal shoved hard, and upwards into the shoulders of one loyal, sending him flying into another,                                      both falling to the floor.
Joe grabbed another by the throat with both hands, tossing him into the wall. He then turned, and headbutted another, sending him falling backwards to the ground.
Trixie kicked on in the testicles so hard that the loyal fainted. She then spun around, and delivered a jumping roundhouse kick to the jaw of another sending him flying into the wall.
While the others fought, and held off the guards, Steve made his way into the hall to confront Jason.
JD radioed to Steve, “ Be advised, White wolf, I have your back... shit!”
JD was suddenly taken by surprise by a vampire who lifted him up off of his post, and carried him high into the air.
JD fought with all he had, in the struggle also loosing his headset.
Steve yelled into his headset,
“ JD! JD!”
Ashley too, along with many other people.
Ashley then radioed,  
“ John, you must get to him.”
Steve looked up at the figures Alec, and Jason, who were slowly walking towards him. Steve was out of ammo for everything except for his 357, and Governor 45, and he pulled the 357, leveling it on Alec.
Jason moved faster than could be seen, knocking the gun out of Steve's hand, and sending him flying into the nearby  wall.
“ You made a mistake by coming here today Mr. Kinder.” said Jason.
Stephen spit blood, and grinned,
“ Oh, no. I think this was the perfect time to come.”
He pulled his 45, and emptied it into Jason.
The immortal stumbled back, and fell to a knee. Every shot had went into his heart, and lungs.
Jason's body began to push the bullets out, and the wounds began to heal.
As he gasped for breath, Steve charged at the man, he anchored his right leg to deliver a snap kick to the head of the immortal man, but was met by Alec who tossed him into the wall once more.
Alec then flew over, and tossed Steve into the opposite wall, and then back into the other.
Steve struggled to get up to all fours,
he couldn't take much more of this at all, and he knew he had to do something quick.
Alec flew back over to Steve, and pinned him to the ground, as he tried to bite his jugular.
“ You can live the rest of eternity as my slave.” said Alec.
Steve reached up with both hands in and effort to hold the vampire off.
Jeremiah, and the others still stood guard in front of the door.
Oliver pointed towards an oncoming vampire, and they all hit their stomachs as it closed in, and the monster swooped past them.
Will rolled, and fired into the back, and legs of the monster, killing it.
Jeremiah stood to his feet,
“ That was some scary shit!”
Abe laughed as he too stood,
“ Yes it was my buddy.”
They all laughed as they got back to into the fight, and began once again covering the entrance of the large castle. Ashley radioed to Tex,
“ Tex, we have the field but they won't give up. What do we do?”
Tex shook his head, “ We gotta have faith that Steve can do his task.”
Ashley radioed again,
“ JD, I know you can't hear me but we really need you right now.”
Oliver responded, “ Don't we ever.”
John then radioed to the rest of the group, “ I'm doing the best that I can but I'm pinned down where I'm at.
There's no way I can get to JD right now, someone else needs to see if they can reach him.”
Just then, Rodger, and Larry arrived again, coming in from the left of the loyals, and undead trying to regain entry into the castle, and crippling them tremendously.
Abe nodded at Jeremiah, and Jeremiah nodded back, “ Let's do it.” Abe said.
Steve still lay under Alec trying to hold him off. “ Give it up.” said Alec.
Steve was loosing strength, he didn't know what to do, and it seemed he was done for.
He thought of a quick plan, and then tried, “ I only have on chance.” he said.
Steve reached down, fast with his right hand, the quick move making Alec fall forward.
Steve moved his head to one side, and the vampire face planted on the floor.
Steve then pulled his bowie knife, and shoved it hard into Alec's temple.
He pulled it back out, ans Alec raised up, taking a deep breath in, and Steve drove the knife deep into Alec's heart.
Alec let out a cry of pain, and then died.
Steve rolled Alec off of him, and stood up.
Jason darted across the room, and tossed Stephen into the wall once more.
Jason then knelt, and hugged his lover close as he cried,
“ Alec! Alec!”
He shook the vampire but there was nothing he could do, the knife had done it's work, if only he'd listened to Morkret he thought, “ I'm real sorry about all this, this is all my fault.”
Jason, hugged Alec close to him again, and wept.
Steve forced himself back up onto all fours, and again spit blood, then feeling his left temple, and looking at his hand that was covered in blood,
“ Well that has to suck.”
Jason stood, and began to walk towards Steve, “ You'll soon see. I will kill all of you but first you'll watch your lover die slowly.”
Steve looked up, and saw his 357 a foot away.
“ I will destroy you, just as Alec's spawn has killed your brother.”
Steve rolled forward, and grabbed the 357, leveling it, and firing into the chest of Jason.
Jason once again fell to his knees as his body went to work again to heal him.
Steve ran up to the man, anchoring his right leg again, and king hard into neck of the immortal.
Jason clutched at his neck as his face began to turn blue, and Steve answered again with a kick to Jason's chin. Jason's head snapped back, again Stephen anchored his right leg, then throwing a roundhouse kick but Jason ducked, and stood up.
Jason threw a right straight but Steve dodged to the immortal's right side, charging him, and driving the heel of his  hand up, and into the chin of Jason.
Jason fell violently to the ground, bouncing the back of his head off of the ground.
Steve yelled, “ Get up!”
Jason stood, shaking his head in an effort to clear his mind,
“ I'll teach you.” Jason said as he reached out with both hands to grab Steve by the shirt. Steve reached out, and grabbed
Jason by the knife edge of one hand, and the same elbow, he then rotated the arm inwards towards Jason's chest, and shoved hard before releasing, and sending him face first into the wall.
Jason turned around, and kicked hard into Steve's knee, making Steve drop to the ground.
He then lifted him back up, and tossed him across the room but before he could land, he darted across the room, and caught him throwing him back into the same wall.
Steve rolled over on his back, and stared up at the ceiling, as he vision began to come back to him.
He then looked to his right, and noticed Alec lay beside him. Steve pulled his Bowie knife out of the vampire's chest, and when Jason got close he stabbed it deep into his shin.
Jason kicked Steve across the room with his other foot, and pulled the knife from his leg.
“ I think you'll die now.” said Jason,
as he spun the knife around, and walked towards Steve, “ You think you can just come in here, and take this fort? You think you can kill an immortal?
Well now I will be the victor. I will rule the world, once you, and your rebels are dead, I will spread with the remaining undead from city to city, and wipe them out like a deadly plague.”
Steve spit blood, and coughed as he lay on his back staring up at the immortal as he closed in on him,
“ You may kill me but my wife will kill you. My friends will kill you.”
Jason laughed as he raised the knife above his head, “ Your friends? Your friends will die by my hand just as you....”
The only thing either Steve or Jason
heard was the glass from the window breaking, and Jason stumbled back as he stared down at a giant hole in his chest. Steve watched as the immortal's rapid healing effect kicked in, and started to mend the wound, the bones, and muscles starting to form again, as well as the organs.
Then the immortals head exploded like a watermelon, and Jason's lifeless body fell to the ground.
Steve forced himself up on all fours, and stared, waiting for what seemed like many minutes for the immortal's body to somehow heal that too but his waiting was in vain as the immortal was this time, truly dead.
“ I told you I had your back, White wolf.”
came JD's voice over the
headset. Steve smiled widely, and laughed,
“ Just like my big brother to just show up at the last minute to save the day.”
JD laughed as well,
“ Well, for a minute I thought I was a goner.”
Steve coughed, “ Yeah... and for a minute I did too.”

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