Chapter Four

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Many miles away, far away from The Waterside outpost, and deep back in a forested wilderness. There stood a large fortitude with much land outside around the walls. It was made of brick and stone, and stood ten stories high. And, it was the home to Jason Lake, ruler of the undead forces. Since the start of the dark ages (when the first legends began) he had coordinated every attack against mankind: werewolf or vampire, Jason lake was behind them all.
The Immortal man stood six foot two inches tall, and was a stunningly handsome man, and possessed extreme strength and speed. To kill an Immortal would mean someone would have to blow their brains out which would be particularly hard to do because Jason could dodge a speeding bullet, and he had on several thousand occasions. It was virtually imposible to kill him, and Jason believed he would never die. He walked casually through the halls of the fort, along side a rather tall, slender man who possessed vary pale skin, almost white as a sheet.
His name was Alec Hesh, and he was the head vampire of the nine clans. Each clan had a head but Alec was head of them all, which meant what he says goes. Of course he took his orders from Jason. Next to Alec stood nothing more than a pure monster, as werewolves could not turn back into humans. It was a rather tall gray colored beast and it's name was Louis Gaspar, leader of the pack. Louis had fought his way to the top from the time he was recruited into the pack, he started small stepping up from young pup to top dog, then soon as the rage grew within him, and he could no longer contain his desire, he killed the pack leader.
 They all three walked side by side, Louis and Alec patiently waiting for their orders of attack.
Jason stopped at a window and he looked out into the vast wilderness. He then turned back to the others, and in a deep voice said,
" They plan to raise an army against us." he laughed softly to himself then said, " They plan to try and... Kill us." Louis then began to laugh in a barking type voice as Alec simply ran his fingers through his hair, " What must we do then my king?" asked Alec softly. Jason smiled and stated, " We will let them go to Tunerville, Oxten, Nileburg, Celesville, Chaseton, and Centerville. Then we will meet them at Hinjert pass, and destroy them." Louis began to breath heavily with excitement, and as he fealt desire and rage build within him as he growled, " Why not kill now? Take them out while small." Louis scraped his claws across the floor and began to growl and to bark as he was loosing control of his emotions and thoughts. Jason smiled and said, " No. We must show them that even with the help of outsiders, and the militias from the six largest outposts, they still don't stand a chance."
Louis nodded and slowly began to calm down and grasp control of himself. Jason laughed softly again then said, " Louis send out a wave to meet them just before Chaseton, we'll attack and cripple them there." Louis nodded and began to walk away shaking his head violently and snarling. Jason continued, " And Louis."
 Louis stood still awaiting more instruction. Jason smiled and then simply said, " Make sure you truly cripple them there. Make no mistakes." Louis nodded then walked away snarling and growling. Alec brushed his hair back then asked, " And, what would you have me do, my King?" Jason smiled again and said, " Gather your clans together for when we attack." Jason then looked away from Alec, and back out the window, then said, " Make sure they don't make it to white wolf gulch, and stay clear from there yourselves." Alec squinted slightly then hissed, " Why worry when so little is known of there." Jason never turned around he just finished by saying, " We know neither friend nor foe. If it is a supernatural place, then it may be a disadvantage." Not another word was spoken. Alec simply nodded then walked away down the Fortitude halls. Jason stood in the same place, looking out the window, and thinking to himself, " What about this white wolf gulch, why is it so secret?"
He sighed slightly then said to himself, " How has it stayed that way?"
He shook his head slightly, and a bit of fear swelled up inside him. He never got scared of anything but his love for Alec unto mosts' knowledge had grown deeply intimate, the two being lovers: he hoped he'd be ok.
Back at Waterside the trade and hunting party along with the extermination squad had found lodging for the evening and through the next night. JD, Ashley, John, Micheal, Joe, Ringo, Andy, and Rodney stood in the lobby of the main lodge with King Ashferd beginning discussion about the plan of attack being setup by Ashferd and the other Rulers.
" It's not impossible by no means Joe but at the same time it is dangerous." stated Ashley. She was content with the Trading business her and JD had now, and would rather they'd just stay away from militia affairs. But at the same time she would follow JD anywhere he went, and if he decided to fight she knew she'd go along. Josh shrugged at Ashley then said, "No offense meant toward you but we can't necessarily play it safe no matter what we do. Either we do this, and attack with the full force of all the world, or we continue what we do and still lose men here and there, always ducking and hiding." Josh closed his eyes and shook his head then said, " I don't know about you but i'm sick of these creatures, these beasts being in control."
John nodded and said, " Yes man that's true. But they're always gonna have us outnumbered, they're always gonna be around. It doesn't really matter what we do."  Micheal nodded slightly in agreement and then asked, " But don't you want to try to put an end to this, don't you want to try to make a difference for the people still left." Michael looked around at all of the others faces and noticed that everyone seemed to be thinking hard, weighing their options. Then Ashferd spoke saying, " My friends, none of you are being forced to do anything." He then shrugged slightly, let out a little laugh, and said, " I will gladly promise each and everyone of you that if you will help, each and everyone of you will forever have a job and a home in Waterside, and you'll answer only to me."
John nodded slightly looking back at Brian (his second in command) who took a drag off of a cigarette, then exhaled and said gleefully, " Ole buddy I don't think we can pass that up." Josh's second, and third in command ( Nico, and Jen) then both voiced their approval. Ashley then spoke again asking, " So does that mean permanent contracts?" The King simply nodded then stated, " You have my word." Ashley looked up at JD anxiously. Joe then spoke up saying,
" Guys this is what we always wanted to do. We've always wanted to make a difference for the people, this is our chance." Ashferd looked around at the group of friends waiting anxiously for their answer.
" Contracts first." JD voiced loudly. The King squinted tightly in frustration then said, " Why? I gave you my word, it's as good as a contract." JD then turned slightly as to indicate him prepareing to walk away from the ruler. Ashferd thought for a second about it. He knew he could trust them all, so why not, " Sure." he stated, " Tomorrow."
JD simply nodded then said, " Indeed. Tomorrow." They all then walked back up to their rooms to get rest for the night.  
As the night went on JD's thoughts made him wrestless. Unable to sleep a wink he stood up out of bed and rubbed his eyes, then slightly rubbing his now scruffy beard, he slowly walked to the room door and exited. As he walked the same old thoughts krept up in his head, he couldn't help that Steve was his brother, and the now middle aged man who was known for his care and worry free attitude was worried his little brother and his sister in law were dead.
" Fuck." he blurted out as he rubbed his temples,
" Calm down JD, you gotta hold it together."
" Sir, are you ok?" Asked a woman who stood at the end of the hall with a mop in hand. JD looked up and squinted slightly answering, " What? Oh no, no that's ok."
The woman leaned her mop against the wall then turned back to JD and asked, " Sir?"
JD shrugged slightly throwing his hands out to the sides, then annoyed, and tired, and plainly, and bluntly stated, " Miss would you just leave me alone?"
The woman turned and grabbed the mop, " Screw you too. Ass!"
JD shook his head, " Damn." he stated under his breath. He then began walking down the long hallway toward the steps contemplating to himself. The hall was dark, and it seemed there was nobody left to work at the front desk. JD noticed once he'd made it down the stairs that the lobby was empty, dark, and quiet. But he could hear faint voices from down the hall to one of the meeting rooms just down the left wing of the hotel, and so he started slowly down the wing and closer to the voices.  
He quickly recognized the voices all but one as he got closer: one was Ashferd, one was Jackal, and he recognized a third to be the young man he'd met earlier on that day during the fight named Cameron. There was also a fourth voice that sounded like and older gentleman as was confirmed when JD rounded the corner to see his three friends sitting side by side talking to the older man. Ashferd sat with his hands flat on the table in front of him, knuckles white as he was leaned forward slightly apllying pressure. Jackal sat elbows on the table, face in his hands, and a blank look on the face of the young rough white haired boy. Cameron was simply setting straight up and down with legs crossed and his eyes wondering around the room from time to time.
JD then caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eye, and turning slightly saw it to be Rodney, who sat eating the evening special of chicken breast, mashed potatos, and green beans. The big man was also listening close to the old man who sat across from him on the opposite end of the meeting and dining room.
JD sat down by the big man then asked, " What are they talking about Rod?"
Rodney sat down the chicken breast and held up a finger. after finally finishing chewing he swallowed and said, " That's Dorrius Exverstle they're talking to." Rodney pulled up his fork and took a bite of green beans then adding, " He's their specialist sent in to check out "White wolf gulch". Of course his information is limited as it seems he fainted, and was discovered twenty three miles away from the gulch."
JD nodded then turned his attention to the men across the room.
" Now tell us one more time about what you saw." said Jackal.
It was then that JD heard the young mans Australian accent though sounding a bit like a punk rocker from the early milinnium it was definitely Aussie. Dorrius took a drink of the brown whiskey that sat just in front of him then started, " You sent me five weeks ago to investigate the mystery of "White wolf gulch". So I rode with four other men: Taker, Lester, Nick Hofel, and Alfred. All of which are as of now deceased because once we arrived at the gulch or rather the eastern outskirts of it we were attacked by a hoard of zombies."
Ashferd shook his head and asked, " Why didn't you all just simply shoot, and kill the creatures?"
Dorrius smiled at the king and said, " Because we were ambushed." The old man took another, bigger drink of the whiskey, enough to take his breath away. The old man hacked, coughed, and gasped then continued,
" There was... It was a complete white out blizzard out there which didn't help matters any, but at least that part of the legend was true or at least why we were there it seemed to be."
The old man raised his eyebrows and shrugged at his own statement then said, "Thought that might be relevant I mean they always say it's a complete blizzard from the time you get close to the gulch till your four miles out and away. Anyway they jumped out from behind the bushes to our right they took down Nick's horse so of course he was then a goner. At the same time two grabbed Lester and Alfred ripping them off their  horses before they could get to their guns or knives even. Taker told me to go and so I did, but damn it the farther in I went the heavier and thicker the snow got. So after I'd been running for at least six minutes I stopped my horse."
Ashferd shook his head and slapping his hand down flat on the table repeatedly, he asked,
" But what about the wolves, you said something about wolves. Were they Werewolves or what?"
Dorrius smiled and nodded then saying as he pointed up above the head of the king and the two militia men as if he was back at " White wolf gulch" he said, " Just then as I concentrated upon my surroundings through that blinded ass snow, I saw wolves. White wolves."

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