Chapter Fifteen

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Before too long the loyals sounded the retreat, and the companions, along with the militia called their mission a success, and headed back on their way to Waterside Bunker.
The ride back to the bunker was rather pleasant too, as the clouds had parted, and the sun once again shined down upon the world, and everyone laughed, and joked.
Stories were told among the militia, and the mood was all around better,
the only problem that anyone ran into was an occasional zombie hoard but no more loyals, no more vampires.
As they rolled up to the giant gates of Waterside, the guards in the watchtowers yelled down to the gate keepers to get the king.
Brian, the other scouts, Ringo, and Andy called the group to a halt right outside the giant gates, and in a matter of minutes, King Ashferd appeared in the left guard tower.
“ Do you see the wolves sir?”
asked a guard.
Ashferd smiled, and nodded as he peered through a pare of binoculars,
“ They must be friendly.”
He followed the party all the way to the back where JD rode, and saw
Steve, and Trixie beside them,
 “ Open the gates, and welcome our friends inside.”
The giant gates opened, and they all made their way inside, then making their way to the stables before going to the king's meeting chambers.
The militia all said their goodbyes to the group as they parted to go to the meeting hall, and then: JD, Ashley, Steve, Trixie, Joe, Micheal, John, Joe, Andy, Ringo, Rodney, and their teams made their way inside to meet with the rulers.
“ A very warm welcome to our heroes, everyone. A very warm welcome.”
The rulers then all cheered, and applauded the group, and their teams.
Jeremiah laughed, “ Look, Abe, they think we're heroes.”
Abe nodded, “ Yes. Round of applause, my buddy.”
The two men then began to clap their hands while rotating their hands, and arms in a circular motion.
The rulers laughed at the two, and Ashferd began the meeting,
“ You are all welcome here, my friends.” he stared at Steve as he smiled, “ You have to be the famous, Steve kinder.”
Steve nodded, “ That's me.”
“ I suppose this lovely lady beside you is your wife, and the unfamiliar faces here must all be part of your crew.”
Steve nodded again at the ruler, and then Ashferd continued,
“ Please my friends, tell me everything about your journey, and how you defeated our enemies.”
Jim smiled at the rulers as he looked around at them all,
“ Ashferd, have we got a story for you.”
For the most part the companions let Jim tell the story to the rulers, adding small details here, and there, with Steve, and JD telling of the downfall of Jason Lake.
After the story was told, Ashferd conferred with the other rulers, and then confronted the companions again, “ We have a brand new proposition for you all.”
JD leaned forward slightly,
“ I'm listening.”
Ashferd smiled widely, “ The legends of the past few weeks will live forever, and so will you all. So what we as the rulers have in mind is this: you will all be made men, and women, anything you say will go, and anything you do will be accepted. Secondly JD, and Ashley; you will be in charge of any, and all trade operations for Waterside bunker, and you have guaranteed lowest prices on all product. As a plus anything you want from Waterside is yours, and you will be in charge of what comes in, and what goes out. It's the least I can do.”
JD, and Ashley nodded,
“ Thank you, kindly.” said Ashley.
Ashferd continued, “ Joe, and Micheal; you will be in charge of training all new militiamen, and women who enlist, along with all security forces. From now on, anyone who enlists anywhere to be a militiaman, or security officer will be sent here to Waterside where they will be trained by you two.”
Joe, and Micheal high fived, and voiced their approval.
“ John, you will be in charge of all hunting operations here at Waterside Bunker, you'll work hand, and hand with JD, and his trading crew.”
John smiled at JD, “ Just like old times.”
“ Josh, you will be taking care of all our bounties, and pest problems, not to mention you'll be going ahead of our escort teams to make sure they have a clear path to, and from their destinations.
Ringo, and Andy, you'll be in charge of our escort services; escorting people to, and from Waterside.”
Josh nodded, and voiced his approval, along with Ringo, and Andy.
Ashferd turned to Rodney, the big man sitting with his head down as if he was sad,
“ Don't be sad, Rodney. From what I've heard, you've been given the key to communication, and technology that will change this world forever.”
Rodney shrugged, still looking glumly, “ I guess you could say that.”
Ashferd put a hand on Rodney's shoulder, “ That's why you will continue to be head of research here, and I want you to personally train each of our militiamen on all the new communication technology.”
Rodney smiled, “ Thank you.”
Ashferd then turned to Steve, and Trixie who sat with Juke, and Priest at their feet, Trixie having Astras by her side, “ We owe you more than anyone, Steve, and Trixie. Without you this would have only been harder to accomplish.”
Ashferd stepped back by his fellow rulers, and spread out his arms,
“ So we extend to you our hands, and the keys to our kingdoms. What's ours is yours: teach us, help us, rule these lands by our sides.”
Baroness Kate, from Nileburg spoke up, “ Do you have any suggestions for us now?”
Stephen shrugged, “ Simple: first we must all unite as one. A decision won't be made in one place without the knowledge, and approval of the people within that place, and the knowledge, and majority approval of the other forts.”
Baron Ingram spoke up,
“ Sir, are you proposing, and Oligarchy?”
Steve shook his head,
“ No. I'm proposing a new form of government, that is for certain, but the name of it is democracy.”
The leaders quickly conferred, and then Leader Fredrick from Gollowstone spoke up,
“ Agreed. We will be a democracy but will we still be individual forts?”
“ Yes.” said Steve, “ But we will unite, and be known as the United Fortress's, in addition we will all meet twice a month, right here at Waterside, at what we call the United Fortress Council meeting.”
Ashferd spoke up again as he smiled, and nodded, “ And who will be a part of this council?”
Steve pointed at Ashferd with a hand, and then moved it around the room, “ Everyone in this room is part of the council.”
Arch Bishop Nile from Celesville then spoke, “ Every council has a head; so who will be this head?”
“ Myself, and JD will be the President, and head of the council.
Josh, Rodney, and John will be called, leaders of the council.
Joe, and Micheal will be the meeting operators. Ringo, and Andy will be the meeting Sentinels making sure every meeting stays in order.”
The rulers once again conferred, and then Jackson from Centerville spoke up, “ Ok, we have just one question then. What will be called?”
Steve shrugged, “ That's for you to decide. You can still be called Barons, and Baronesses. You can be called Governors, you can be called Kings, and Queens.”
Oliver elbowed Joe, “ They could be called late for dinner.”
“ I only stress that you pick one title as to not confuse the people, and adopt this new form of Government for your own Forts.” finished Steve.
A tall black man from Fort Oxton then spoke up, “ In the pre-appocolyptic times the people of democracies elected their officials, their appointed leaders. Will we do the same?”
Steve nodded, “ The people in your individual Forts will elect their leader, but unlike then, there will not be term limits. You can rule as long as your people want you to, and you're alive.”
The rulers nodded, and then conferred amongst themselves once more about what they would now be called. They all talked for many minutes, and then Ashferd was chosen to convey their decision to the companions, “ We would like to be called Kings, and Queens.”
Steve nodded, “ Then it's settled but let not any of these titles deceive any of you, nor your people, we'll all have equal say. Any changes, and modifications to any fort will be brought first to the council, and then if agreed upon will either be settled within the council or among the people of that individual Fort.
This form of government can't be changed unless 3/4s of the combined leaders of this council agree upon it, and that is final.”
King Jaques raised a hand,
“ Who are considered leaders here.”
“ All of you, the President of the council, the head of the council, and the leaders of the council.”
Joe spoke up, “ So nine of you have to agree on the change before it can be made.”
Ashferd raised his hand as well,
“ We have an even number here as there are twelve leaders of this council in all. In the event of a tied vote, who decides the tie breaker?”
“ I, being the president, will decide if the matter is settled either way, or if it's tabled until a later date.”
Kate spoke up, “ What about Trixie, and Ashley?”
JD hugged Ashley close to him, and spoke to the group, “ They are the ladies of the council, and as such are just as the heads. And just as important.”
They talked while longer as they discussed a constitution, and soon they decided on seven basic ground rules that would be the basis of the new world:
The government couldn't be changed without 3/4s of the leaders of the council agreeing upon the change.
All amendments had to be voted on in the council.
All officials would now be elected to their positions.
Every able body over the age of 16 must work.
All council members would be voted on at the beginning of every new year.
No changes or new laws would be made at any fort without first coming before, and being voted upon by the council at which point would be either sent back to the fort to be voted on by the people, or voted upon by the council again with any amendments added by other council members.
Any leader found to be corrupt would be automatically removed from office, and tried for treason.
They all agreed upon these rules, and bylaws, and the new world was set in motion. But the journeys, legends, and stories of the companions from Fort Bank are far from over. They're just getting started.

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