Shocking Announcements

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Hellooooo!!! Sorry for my slow updating, I know I must be so annoying. I’m really not lying when I say I’ve had a ton going on lately. I’ve had mass amounts of dance practice to do, and when I’m done, I’m basically asleep. I’m going to try my best to update at least one of my stories before school starts next week, but I tried to make this chapter a little longer for you guys(: I hope you enjoy it!!! Please let me know what you think! Vote, fan and comment, it makes my day(:



            It had been a week since Louis surprised me with the trip to the ice rink. To say we had been inseparable since the trip was probably the understatement of the century. We just got on so well, and while I may say it often, and it probably seems cheesy, it was as if he was the sun peaking through the dark cloud hovering over me. Not to mention, despite my protesting that he didn’t have to, he had been staying with me each night. I felt bad that he couldn’t sleep in his own bed, but I couldn’t tell him I didn’t want him there. With Louis I felt a comfort I couldn’t have even imagined feeling since the accident. His presence alone was able to give me dreamless nights.

            I was sitting on the couch with all the rest of the boys watching TV. Louis had his arm hung loosely around my shoulder as I sat between him and Niall. I was reading through my texts for the first time in weeks. As I unlocked the screen on my Iphone I was greeted by a ridiculous picture of my dear brother. I rolled my eyes and shoved the phone in his face. “Really?” I asked him. He just chuckled in response. I didn’t question the fact that he was in my phone though. I was actually grateful to him. I’m sure he was deleting things he knew I couldn’t take seeing before I looked at it.

            I had 17 new messages in my inbox. Most of them were from my friends back home. I opened up a somewhat recent text from my best friend Meera back home.

“Hey Anna, how are you? <3 I miss you, pleasee text me soon and let me know you’re okay ”

I smiled to myself. I went to reply, but stopped when noticed I also had 10 other messages from her and 10 missed calls. My smile turned into a frown as guilt washed over me. She was probably really worried; I should have called her a while ago. I composed a new message:

“Hey M, sorry I haven’t called or texted you, a lot has been happening. I’m okay though. Skype? Niall’s with me (; xx”

Niall and Meera had both clearly had feelings for one another, but they were both too stubborn to tell each other. Then he went on tour, and they lost touch. When I persisted for her to call him, she always used the excuse, and I quote, “I can’t be the one to call him first, he’ll think I’m too pushy,” Despite my incessant badgering her, she wouldn’t budge. Then you’ve got my brother, who is perhaps the most oblivious boy in the entire world, and was completely convinced she had no feelings for him. Gah, frustrating.  

I placed my phone onto the coffee table, grabbing my laptop instead. I signed onto Skype and scrolled through my contacts until finding Meera’s name. Lou looked down at my laptop. “What are you doing?” he asked.

“Shut the TV off we’re calling Meera,” I told Harry, who was holding the remote. Niall’s eyes widened at the mention of Meera’s name. “Anna-stop,” he said forcefully.

“Niall, you’re gonna have to face the music sooner or later. I vote sooner, hit the button An!” Louis shouted. I laughed and hit call.

“Anna, we’ve been over this!” Niall said, trying to hide behind Liam.

I'm Gonna Save You Tonight (A Louis Tomlinson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now