Making A Difference

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Hello!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter, I’m pretty happy with it(: I was going to write it last night, but instead started working on a trailer. Unfortunately I didn’t have the discipline to finish and gave up. If anyone enjoys making trailers and would be interested in doing one please let me know(: I would dedicate my chapter to you and recommend you in authors notes on this story and my other story “You’ve Got That One Thing”. I don’t need one that badly, just thought I’d put it out there in case anybody would want to. Anyways, hope you enjoy this, please fan, vote and comment!!!(: I can’t even describe how much I love it when you do(:


“So I heard Anna was here! Where is she? I want to see her!” Liam asked, Zayn nodding behind him.

“Yeah, where is she?” Niall asked, a bit of worry coating his voice.

“She just laid down a couple minutes ago to sleep,” I told him.

“She’s sleeping? Oh no,”

“Oh no? What do you-“

And that’s when the screaming started.

            Niall rushed into Anna’s room before I had time to blink, the rest of the boys following quickly behind him. I stood there dumbstruck for a second as guilt washed over me. This is your fault, a voice continually chanted in my head. I was the one who had told her to go to sleep. I realized that contemplating the situation was useless and ran in after them.

            I felt my heart contract inside my chest as my eyes met the scene before me. Anna was thrashing around violently, yelling things like “leave me alone!” and “please don’t hurt me!” Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she was sweating.

            My own eyes started to tear a bit watching her. As I averted my eyes to look over at Niall, I saw that he was full on crying, attempting to wake her up. He took her hand in his and used his other hand to gently shake her. “Anna-Anna please wake up. It’s all a dream your safe I promise,” he pleaded. His attempts were futile though, because she just continued to thrash and yell.

            Harry, Liam and Zayn stood in front of me with sad looks on their faces. I realized that I could not just continue to look on without doing anything. I nudged the other boys and moved through them to the edge of her bed.

            “Niall, can I try?” I asked him. He gestured to go to go ahead. “Try anything,” he whispered through his own tears. My heart sunk even more as I watched one of my best mates looking so helpless.  I tried my hardest to keep it together to keep him from becoming more upset.

            I sat down at the edge of Anna’s bed, ignoring her kicking behind me. I took both of her hands in mind and pressed a small kiss to her forehead. “Anna, calm down love,” I repeated a few times. After merely thirty seconds or so I felt her relax slightly and her eyes open a bit.  Relief like nothing I’ve ever experienced flooded through me. I heard the other boys all exhaling loudly as well. “Lou-?” she croaked through her dry throat. She was still panting, crying and glancing around wildly.

            “Thank god An- you’re awake” I smiled down at her. Suddenly I realized I was still holding her hands, so I hastily tried to let them go. I knew how she felt about being touched. Surprisingly though, she grabbed them back again and uttered,

“Stay with me,”

            Not wanting to cause commotion Harry, Liam and Zayn quietly slipped out of her room. “You’re sure? You’re okay with it?” She nodded vigorously.

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