Breaking Point

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Hi! Katie here! I had the sudden inspiration for this story and needed to get it down on paper, so I decided I would write this one myself (: I felt like it would be the best as a Louis story. I hope you guys like it!! Let me know what you guys think by voting, commenting and fanning, it means so much and makes my day 1000x better! (:




My eyes began slowly cracking open, but abruptly shut again as I was blinded with many bright lights. After a great deal of trying, I finally managed to open them fully, my surroundings slowly coming into view. In front of me were white walls and numerous beeping machines with many wires. Where am I? I thought. Suddenly, I felt a horrible pounding sensation behind my skull. I grimaced, squinting my eyes shut and grabbing onto my head to try to make it stop.

I felt someone stir next to me. “Anna, are you okay?” a voice asked. I tilted my head to the side to find the blond haired and blue-eyed boy, who I recognized as my brother Niall. “My head hurts. Niall where am I?”

He looked as if he were struggling to form his answer. Before he was able to tell me, a short, dark haired woman walked in.

“Fantastic Annabelle, you’re awake. I’m Doctor Abrams. You’re in the hospital,” she said with a smile. Hospital?

“H-Hi” was all I managed to utter.

“Do you have any pain?” she asked.

I clutched my head as it continued to pound. “Her head,” Niall answered for me.

“That’s to be expected with a fall like she had and a concussion of her degree. We’ll get the nurses to get some pain medication for you,”

I nodded. “What happened?” I asked.

“Y-you don’t remember?” Niall asked, seemingly shocked. I noticed tears starting to well up in his eyes.

“No…” I responded, becoming more worried with every second of silence that passed.

“You had a very severe accident. You had a horrible fall down the stairs. You hit your head on the railing and ended up with a terrible concussion and tons of bruises and cuts. Thankfully, no broken bones,”

My head throbbed even more as images started flooding back.

He stalked closer and closer as I reached a dead end in the hall. “You really thought you could just not do as I say and get off easy?” he asked, malice coating every letter. A lump rose in my throat as my eyes clouded with tears. I looked up at my boyfriend, terror building in my chest. He was going to hit me again, I knew it, but I had a terrifying feeling in my gut that it would be worse then that.

“Jason-please,” I croaked.

“You can’t change what’s already done. All I wanted was to have some fun, and you wouldn’t allow that. You’re always letting me down,”

“I just didn’t want to have sex, I’m sorry,” I said, softly.

He loomed closer to my face. “Well it’s not really about what you want now is it?”

I knew I only had one option. I had to try to escape. He reached down to grab me but I yanked his arm with as much force as I could. He fell to the floor in surprise and I took off running. I only made it to the top of the stairs before I felt his arms wrap around my waist. I felt his alcohol-coated breath at my ear. I shivered.

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