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I could not believe that I was moving to Russia for school. I was studying to become a translator, and I was also learning Cantonese. I found it weird that I was moving to Russia, though. Oh well.


After arriving at the university, I was given a tour of the place, and man, was it huge. All of the buildings at the university towered over me; I felt like an ant compared to them. I could tell that I was going to love it here in Russia.
And even more once I met him.

I just so happened to have a roommate, whose name was Roman.

Roman seemed like the type of guy who got drunk with his friends every night instead of studying.
I was right.
To an extent, though.


After what felt like hours upon hours of writing sentences in Cantonese, I finally got up and headed outside of my dorm room for a quick break from studying.
I must have not been paying attention to what I was doing, because all of a sudden I heard angry words come from a tall man. I could not make them out until a minute after the man passed by me.
"Watch where you're going!" He said. I'm pretty sure he swore at me under his breath.
"Sorry," I said very timidly. I thought it would come out more confident, but I guess it didn't.
I turned around to look at the guy. He had dark brown hair and looked to be at least six feet tall.
I suddenly noticed that he was heading to my dorm room.
Could he be my roommate?
I decided against asking him because I didn't want to seem weird or crazy, so I kept walking in the opposite direction of him.
Then again, I don't know how I feel about being roommates with a potential douchebag.
Oh well.


I looked at my phone to check the time. To my surprise, it was already eleven-thirty at night. I decided to head back to my dorm room to get some rest, since I had a bunch of work to do in the morning.

As I headed to my dorm room, I noticed that there was a lot of noise coming from inside. Did I have multiple roommates? Maybe my roommate brought some friends over. Ugh, he better not be drunk, because there is no way in hell that I am cleaning up after him.

I finally got to my dorm room and unlocked the door.
Oh, my God.
It was him.
The guy I saw earlier.
Not much to my surprise, he had friends over.
And they were all drunk.
Just great.

"Your roommate's got some pretty good honkers, Roman," a skinny guy with blonde hair said. The guy I saw earlier, whom I assumed to be Roman, smacked the guy with blonde hair on the arm. "Chill, bro, you have a girlfriend," he said. His Russian accent was a bit noticeable, but you could tell that he has been practicing his English. In fact, he spoke English very fluently for being a native Russian speaker. "Uh, privet?" I said timidly. "Privet," the blonde-haired guy replied. "I see someone's been practicing her Russian," Roman said. "I-I only know basic greetings," I managed to squeak out. Roman glared at me. A short girl with medium brown hair then turned towards Roman. "Itak, eto vash sosed po komnate?" The girl asked Roman in Russian. "Da," Roman replied in Russian. "Uh, English, please?" I managed to squeak out, even though I completely regretted saying that. "Sure," the girl said, curving her lip upwards. "It's best you guys leave now, I'm pretty sure Miss "I'm Going to Speak in Russian to Russians in Order to Sound Cool" needs to study Russian," Roman said, doing air quotes in the process. Roman's friends then got up and left the room. "Proshchay!" Roman yelled. Roman then got up and started heading to the bathroom. "I can teach you some Russian after I'm done," He croaked out.

What the hell? Just why was Roman going to teach me Russian? First, he acts like a complete jerk to me, and now he's offering to teach me Russian? Is there even any sense or logic in this guy's head?

I slowly nod and watch as Roman shuts the bathroom door. I then sit down on what I assumed to be my bed (considering my luggage was sitting on it), and stared at the empty bottles of vodka on the floor. Ugh, disgusting. They could at least get drunk somewhere else.

After waiting for what seemed like fifteen minutes, Roman popped out of the bathroom. "Privet, drug. Ready to learn some Russian?" Roman said quite ecstatically. "You seem quite excited just to teach Russian," I meekly said.
I just remembered that he's a bit drunk.
Makes sense.
"Who wouldn't be?" Roman said with a bright smile. I decided not to say anything else to make both this conversation and situation more awkward than it already was.
Roman grabbed a notebook off the ground, as well as a pen, and started writing things down. I looked at him every once in a while because I didn't know where else to look at. "Why don't you come over here so it's easier to see the words?" Roman motioned for me to come sit by him. I did as told and sat down by him. Roman pointed to a word that he had written down. "This word is 'nyet', which means 'no'," he said. I was about to tell him that I already knew what 'nyet' meant and that he didn't have to teach me, but my thoughts were cut off when he told me what 'yes' meant. "'Da' means 'yes'," he said. "Um, Roman?" I asked quietly. "Yes?" Roman replied. "I, um... already know what 'da' and 'nyet' mean," I quietly trailed off. Roman nodded his head. "Do you want to continue our lessons tomorrow?" He then asked. "Sure," I replied quietly. Roman then closed his notebook and got up and sat on his bed.


I must've been really tired last night as I had fallen asleep on the ground. I take out my phone and answer any messages I received last night. I suddenly hear a crashing noise in the bathroom. "Blyad!" I heard an angry Russian man scream in the bathroom. I quickly get up and knock on the bathroom door to make sure he's okay. "Roman?" I ask, panicking.
No answer.
"Roman, are you okay?" The panic quite obvious in my voice. I then hear the doorknob turn.
In front of me is a panting Russian man. I quickly observe the bathroom to find out what happened. "I dropped shampoo bottles in the shower," he said. I nodded my head. "D-do you want me t-to..." I was then cut off by Roman. "It's fine," he said, pushing me to the side. I then noticed a large cut on the back of his leg. "Obviously you're not fine if you have a cut the size of a football on the back of your leg," I blurted out. Roman stopped dead in his tracks. "I said it's fine," he said. Geez, what caused him to be so angry? I was just offering to help him.

A few minutes after the incident, Roman finally spoke. "Sorry, it's just that I had the worst hangover," Roman apologized, his eyes filled with sorry and his mouth straight. I had just noticed how tall he was. "I best be getting ready for class now," I finally said, breaking the strange silence between us. Roman nodded.

I was finally done with my morning routine and was finally getting ready to leave for class. "By the way," Roman spoke up, "I'm throwing a party tonight, and I was wondering if you wanted to come." I was flattered. "Sure, what time?" I replied, a smile spreading across my face. "About seven," Roman replied. I then nodded and headed out the door.

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