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I paused.

"Why does he want me to come over?" I thought.

I hesitated to text him back.


"I know it may sound weird, but I need you to come over tonight."

I didn't know whether to feel flattered or bad.

"Sure, when?".


"Now, please. I seriously need emotional support."

And before I knew it, I was driving my car over to Roman's place.
After arriving at my destination, I parked my car in the parking lot of the apartment complex and went outside and locked it. I then took the stairs to get to the floor Roman's apartment was on. As soon as I saw Roman's door, I rushed over, hesitating to knock.

"C'mon, you drove your ass to his place, you can knock on the door."

"You're really trying to seem like a desperate piece of shit, aren't you? Going after a guy that just broke up with his girlfriend. Admit it, you were flattered when he complimented you earlier."

"He really needs your support right now. I mean, did you even read his texts? He clearly needs some help from you!".

I knocked.
The door opened to reveal a tall Russian man with messy hair and red eyes, nose, and cheeks. Before I could say anything, Roman hugged me tightly. "Oh, my God. I'm so glad you're here," he started sniffling a bit. My arms then wrapped around him. "Aw, Rom, it's going to be okay," I replied.
After a long hug session, Roman pulled me inside.
Roman and I sat down on his couch. He then suddenly pulled me into a hug and cried into my chest. "It's all my fucking fault that she broke up with me," he cried. "It isn't though," I replied, trying my best to console him. "No, it's seriously my fault. I'm not the best at handling long distance relationships and I barely talk to her and-" Roman cried some more. "It's not your fault, though. You both simply couldn't hold a long distance relationship," I replied.

"Oh, my God. What am I even saying? I barely know Roman, let alone how his relationship went!"

Roman continued crying. "I'm so fucking stupid, I shouldn't have been so useless in that relationship, I couldn't even take the time out of my day to call her, let alone contact her! It's my fucking fault she left me, I'm literally the worst at keeping in touch," he vented. "You're not useless though, Roman," I tried consoling him again. "Except I am," he sniffled. "Roman, I may have only known you for a few days, but you are seriously not a useless person. Sure, you were kind of a douche to me when we first met, but you're seriously not a useless person, and I'm honestly glad I got to meet you," I said. "That doesn't change the fact that I'm the worst at relationships," Roman wiped his tears. "Well, look at it this way. You two had very good memories together, and this experience can help you avoid certain things and self-improve when it comes time for another relationship. Just because you had one break-up doesn't mean you're the worst person in existence, you shouldn't beat yourself up like that," I tried my best to uplift him. Roman wiped his nose. "I mean, if I look at it that way, it sort of makes the situation better." I smiled at him. "Anyways, do you want a drink? I'm honestly sorry for dragging you into my problems and for venting to much to you," he asked. "I'm good, and you don't have to be sorry, I know it helps some people to vent their issues and such to other people, and that's perfectly okay," I smiled at him. Roman got up. "I'll be right back," he said.

A few minutes later, and Roman returned with a glass of water. He then sat down on the couch I was sitting down on. "Y/N, I have something to tell you," he said. "What is it?" I replied. "Ever since I laid my eyes on you, you... you're just so fucking beautiful," he said, nervously. "Roman, I-" I blushed. "You're so fucking gorgeous, Y/N, I hope you know that," he continued. I'm pretty sure my cheeks were cherry red after his compliments. "Well, I have something to tell you, too," I replied, smiling. "And what would that be?" Roman chuckled. "That you're honestly so fucking hot and handsome and... you're honestly so cute," I said, blushing. I was finally glad to get that off my chest. "You... really think that?" Roman raised an eyebrow, then smiled. I nodded. I noticed Roman's hand on my thigh. He began to rub up and down. "You're so fucking gorgeous, Y/N," he placed a kiss on my forehead and rubbed my cheek with his finger. His other hand then started rubbing my waist. "So... fucking... perfect," he pecked my cheek. I continued blushing. "Roman, I-" I was cut off by Roman's finger on my lips. "You're such a beautiful girl," he rubbed my thigh. I smiled at him as he continued giving me affection. "Wait," he paused. "You want this, right?" He asked me. I nodded. Roman continued after I nodded. "How about we take this to somewhere more private?" I asked, nervously. Roman then grabbed me by my waist and picked me up, heading to his bedroom.

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