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Li pulled up into the parking lot of Roman's apartment complex. Suddenly, my heart started beating rapidly. "Oh, does someone have a special someone that's meeting her at this party?" Li said in a joking manner. I shook my head. "No, it's not that," I paused. "It's just that earlier I'm pretty sure I made Roman like me in a way... I-... I'm not sure," I started blushing. Li shrugged. "Well, you either have fun tonight or you can sit in the car for at least five hours," Li laughed. I looked up at Li and nodded. I grabbed my purse and headed out of the car with Li. We then walked over to the elevator to get to Roman's floor. I saw a few tall men and assumed that they were also going to Roman's party. I bit my lower lip in fear that they could possibly harm me, seeing as there were a lot of gopniks in the surrounding area of Roman's apartment complex.

After a thrill-inducing elevator ride, Li and I finally reached Roman's floor and went over to his apartment door and knocked. Shortly after knocking, a tall Russian man with curly brown hair opened the door. "Roman, my cousin! You said you wanted me to come to your party?" Li joked whilst hugging Roman. "Ha ha, very funny. Anyways, come inside, this vodka isn't going to drink itself," Roman headed over to his kitchen. Li and I followed suit. "With the help of my friend, Nick, I managed to prepare some actual food this time, instead of just buying raw cat and dog carcasses from the local Chinese place down the street," Roman winked at Li. Li shook her head. "Very funny for a communist, Roman," Li giggled. "I mean, China is also communist, you fuckin' commie," Roman joked again. Li snorted. "Uh, is offensive humor popular around here or something?" I asked. Both Li and Roman nodded. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "Иди нахуй!" Roman yelled, running over to the door. The door then opened, revealing the guy with blonde hair I saw the other day on my first day at university. The blonde man then headed inside and into the kitchen. "Where is everyone?" He then asked. "They're all in the living room," Roman replied. "Sorry, Denis, you're late again," Roman shook his head then chuckled. Denis then chuckled and headed into Roman's living room. Suddenly, I could hear the living room roar with laughter and conversations. Li looked over at me and saw that my face was as red as a tomato. "You want to wait out here for a minute and then head over there?" Li asked, raising an eyebrow. "Sure," I nodded. I didn't know how to feel about all these new people I was about to meet, and also about how Roman might have thought about what I looked like coming to his party like this. The whole idea of all of this happening at once made me super uncomfortable. "Ah, don't worry too much about them. Besides, it's a party full of drunk college kids, and you can leave whenever you want to," Li tried to console me. "I think I'm fine now," I said, rubbing my cheek. We then headed over to Roman's living room. "Hey, Roman," Li said cheerfully. Roman smirked at Li. "Oh, yeah, I'd like everyone to meet my roommate, Y/N," Roman said, his arms pointed in my direction. Everyone in the room clapped and conversation started to break out. "I hope you're enjoying the party, Y/N," Roman chuckled. I rolled my eyes playfully and smiled. Suddenly, Roman's phone started ringing. "I'll be back in a moment, guys, okay?" Roman told everyone in the room. We all nodded in response and Roman headed out of the room.

About thirty minutes later, Roman came into the living room with his head down. "I don't feel as if I want to share why I'm upset right now, but just know that I'm ending the party now. Anyways, thank you guys for coming," Roman said, his voice full of sorrow and sadness. He honestly looked like he was about to break down and cry. Li then looked over towards me and got up. We then walked over to Roman and thanked him for the good time we had, and then headed over to his front door and left.

Not even a minute on the road, and I finally broke the silence. "I wonder what's wrong with Roman," I said. Li shrugged in response. "Maybe a family-related issue?" She shrugged again. "I mean, he did seem pretty upset," Li added on.

Li then dropped me off at my dorm. We said our goodbyes to each other and she left. After she left, I closed the door and sat down on my bed. I then decided to text Roman and ask him what was wrong since he seemed pretty upset. To my surprise, he responded pretty quickly. "Oh, it's nothing, just something stupid," his text read. My fingers started typing away at the keyboard. "Are you sure that it's something stupid? You sounded pretty upset when you told us to leave," I replied.


"No, no. Just something small," I read in my head.

I cracked my knuckles.

"Roman, I know we've only known each other for a couple of days, but I'm seriously willing to sit here and help you and talk with you if you need it."


"Well, you're asking for a long ass rant then."

"I don't care, just say what you need to."

A couple minutes pass.


"The reason I was so sad is because my now ex-girlfriend broke up with me over the phone... I honestly feel like shit and I wish we could've lasted longer because she truly gave me happiness... I try and remember all the good times we had but all it does is make me sad and shit and I feel like bawling my eyes out... I honestly just wish I could have a break from all this stress from not only my break-up but also from school, I have like ten fucking essays due this week and on top of that I have to study a ton of shit. I know this rant is long but you asked for it so here."

I felt my heart break, poor Roman.

"Roman, I... I really hope you can get rid of all of that stress, maybe try and focus on schoolwork so you can take your mind off the break-up? I'm really sorry man, I may only have known you for a couple of days but I seriously am sorry for you, I hope everything gets better xx."

My internal alarm goes off.

"Seriously? "Xx?" Are you trying to hint that you like him or something? That just makes you look desperate. He's going through a break-up for fuck's sake!"


"Y/N, can you come over?".

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