Chapter 8 you & them

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So me & steven left to Steven house , we made

Food for everyone Steven knew how to cook o looked at steven and said " wow i didnt knew you could cook ??!" He said " wow i didnt knew you will be these amazing " i smiled and said " aw your so nice " he gave me quick kiss in the mouth and i just stand there like "whaat was that ? " He said " omg im sorry Sky really !!! I just .. Ah nevermind " it was so awkward and then i saw somebody peeking it was Jackie , Stevens sister she took a pocture of us and said " skylar you and steven would be ao cute togethere , eventhough Steven is just so ah lame " she roll her eyes and laugh i blushed and said can i see the picture ? She said yeah sure wow she caugh us kissing i told her can you send it to me ? She smile and said yeah sure Steven went to his room i stay talking to Jackie she asked me " do you like my brother ? " i said " since your like super nice and i feel confident with you ! Yeah i do ... Hes amazing 😩😩❤️ " she said " omg ! " and se smile i just sit there like omfg !? .... We all ate Steven parents worn't home so they didn't ate :( i told Steven that i had to left and he said ima walk you i said nah its okay dont worry is just 2 blocke away he said nah ill take you i said okay thanks , i told steven " why did you kissed me ? I thought you liked Mere ? " he said " i don't i lie ! i don't like her i pretend like i do but .. I .. Like you ! .." I said "really ? " he said " yeah .. although you will never look at me like they way i look at you so ... Yeah i said " steven ... I have to go bye . " He said ill go with you it was so awkward that i just stare at the ground ... I was finally home and he said " bye Skylar " i said bye back i was suprice that he didn't hug me or nothing he just left like if ... He was mad i was thinking so much of that kiss all night ..

Steven P.O.V

Damn im so stupid for telling Skylar that i liked her thats all i thought of all the way home . Jackie asked me "whats wrong ?" i said " nothing ." she said is it about Skylar ? Isaid "yeah ." She said "steven whats wrong with her ?" i told her " ah she doesn't like me and i tild her i liked her " she said "what really ?" i said "yeah ah " She said " are you sure about that ?" i said yes and i asked her " ouh yeah what were you and Skylar talking about ? She said "oh nothing girl stuff " i said " did she told you who she liked ?" she said " yeah " i was like wtf who does she like i asked jackie she said " omg why don't you find out for yourself im pretty sure she will tell you ..! i left to my room and just started thinking about her all night .

* next morning *

Steven P.o.v

it was time to go to school and i texted skylar if she wanted me to go pick her of to go to school with her she said

Her . Ah Steven i don't know ill go by myself

Me. why ?

Her. cause i fell so weird around you !

Me . Bye

Her . (Read)(no reply)

I got to school and Mere said "Steven !! " I said " wasup " she said " whats wrong ?" i said " nada fag don't worry " she said she liked when i tell her fag she smile and gave me a hug and said " if theres anything wrong just let me know steven " she smile and i hug her back and told her thank you for everything Mere you've been a great friend to me " she said " steven ?..." i said "wasuup ?" she said " do you feel anything for me ?" i said " um ... no im sorry " she left crying and i scream "MERE!!!" I grab her from her hand and told her " mere i really like you as a friend because your always next to me through everything " she said " i really wanted you to share the same feelimgs for me " i hug her tightly and said " i really love you but please i don't want to make you feel bad your amazing ! " she hug back and said " steven thank you so much can i give you something ?" i said sure what is it ? she said is a bear i smile so much and said " Mere your amazing !" she smile and said " steven who do you like ? " I said " um nobody ... " I lied but i didn't wanted to see her hurt shes really nice and she respects me so much she said she gave me that bear for our 1 month friendship .

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