Chapter 13 (Plot twist)

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Amal loved the refreshing view of the restaurant coupled with the smell of new painting and upholstery. Bassam chose a table at the rear where the sun wasn't facing,he gave her a questioning look silently asking for her approval of his table choice for them and she nodded in approval with a simple nod of her head. They both smiled at each other which Amal found oddly convincing.

Bassam draw the chair for her and urged her to seat. It was when he was in close scrutiny with her that she noticed he had lost a little weight. She felt a tug in her heart, the truth is she hates people close to her falling sick.
Woah Amal Hameedah,people close to you huh. Get a grip before you fall,crash and burn.

"I didn't know you were sick like this. How are you feeling now?" she asked glancing at his direction when he sat opposite of her.
Her smile faltered when she realised it was a dumb question,he must think she's stupid now.
To her surprise,his smile grew wider and he replied her that he was better.

"I mean I'm currently on medication now which sucks by the way but it's not too bad" he shrugged.

"Medication for what?" ,she asked again eager to know.

Another dumb question Amal, way to go.

He found it funny in a cute way how her eyes widened upon realising that she has asked another personal question,but he wasn't bothered in the slightest.

"Don't answer that. I'm sorry please for trying to pry too much" she rambled.

"It's okay Amal. It's not a bad thing for caring at least " he admitted which made her feel more awkward.

Oh no,he can see right through you Amal. You're having your feelings all over the place get a grip young woman.

The waiter arrived at their table and she mentally thank God for some distraction from the awkward atmosphere. They ordered and the food arrived after a few minutes.
They ate in silence with Bassam occasionally taking large gulps of water to between coughs. To some extent she thought he was choking and she had to ask with concern

"Bassam,are you sure you're good?".

"Yes i am okay. Don't worry about me", he assured her with a small smile.

After they were done with the food which Amal found tasty enough to make her a regular customer here but she isn't sure if a person like her can be able to afford the bills here.

"I'm an asthmatic".

Bassam broke the silence. He was not really the one to disclose his ailment to people because he hated the pitiful looks in their eyes but in her case,when he looked at her he didn't see pity in her eyes. He only saw genuine care and concern with all her attention on him silently urging him to  continue if he wished or not if he thinks it was enough on the other hand. There's something convincing in the way she regards him which makes him wonder how can he be looking for comfort in somebody he barely knows. He continued to speak while she listens.
The woman is a damn good listener, he thought.

"It was chronic when i was a kid with constant attacks here and there. I can tell you it wasn't easy but as an adult now,it rarely happens. I haven't had an attack in almost two and a half years now if not three because i have been very cautious and aware of the weather. But lately i slacked at it a little, worked till midnight sometimes,the cold midnight air landing on me and with minimal clothing. I had an attack as a result one unfortunate night which landed me in the emergency room of the hospital".

"You're going to be okay,you're a tough one" she murmured her voice laced with assurance and concern at the same time.

Instead of the pitiful "I'm sorry,are you okays" people usually comment with, this woman just assured him that he's strong and is going to be okay. Damn where has a woman like Amal been all his life?.

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