Death threats

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Klaus Pov

I was sitting in a corner of the grill sipping on my bourbon when I overheard Karina talking to her sister. I thought that her hatred for her sister was just usual family drama but I was wrong, her sister tried to have her killed. I feel a connection to her, like shes another Rebekah, another sister.

Karina's POV
After storming out of the grill I start walking around to clear my mind, if it wasn't for Kol and the connection I feel to him I would have left already. I've met his family once and already feel like I'm apart of a family, one that I've been longing for my whole life.

As i continue walking I notice I'm getting close to the edge of town so I decide to go through the woods. They always seem to calm me, the peace and quiet. After walking for a few minuets I feel something drawing me in a direction. I follow the feeling to find an old crypt in the middle of the woods. The outside is worn down and chipped. Vines cover the entrance and there is no family name on the outside.

Pushing through the vines I enter. It's empty except for something g shiny on the ground. As I look closer I discover that it's the necklace my mother gave me that went missing before I left town. Just as I'm about to pick it up I sense someone approaching from behind me. I quickly turn on my heels whilst slipping my dagger from my boot. I slide it into the persons neck, they stumble back and this is when I see that it's Damon.

"What the fuck Damon" I shout to him, I'm beyond pissed.
"Look Karina I have nothing against you but Elena dose, so leave town or I will kill you" he said trying to seem tough
"Damon I could snap you in half if I wanted. I don't take orders, especially not from my sisters puppy." I say before getting ready to attack. I move forward and grip my dagger that's in his throat. Twisting around I remove it and duck down slicing across his stomach. I then take a step back and with all the power I can muster kick his abdomen sending home back. Once he regains his composure he advances towards me. Just as he's about to reach me I side step to my left and put my hands around his neck. And with on smooth movement I snap it rendering him unconscious.

While he lays on the floor I write a note " next time don't send your toy to do your dirty work sister, face me yourself. Next time he's dead and so are you
- love Karina XX"
I pin it to his chest with my dagger and walk out, not before grabbing my necklace and putting it around my neck and going back to my hotel room.

That night I slept like a baby.

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