I can bring him back

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Elena's POV

"So it's settled then, we are killing Kol" I say making sure everyone is still on board.

"Fine whatever, but I don't know why you can't let her be happy" jeremy says. He obviously conflicted.

Karina's POV

Kol and I are asleep in bed, when I hear a scream. Getting out of bed I walk down to the living room to see Kol fighting the Scooby gang. Nik is trapped in the kitchen from a boundary spell and everyone else is daggered.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING" I scream and everyone stops.

"We have to kill him Karina, he's bad for you. I just want you to be happy, sister" Elena says begging me to let her do this

"Fuck you elena!, your not my family and I won't let you do this" I say before charging at her only to have  Damon knock me out before I can reach her.

The black abyss is all I can see. My entire body is numb and I can't move. Then I see a women dressed in a long white dress walking towards me.

"My dear, I am sorry for your loss, but you can bring him back. You must find my daughter, our families have known each other for a long time she will help you, find Maylee she will help you" she says befor drifting away again

What the hell is she talking about I haven't lost anything, unless.......

The next thing I know I'm awake with a glass of water being splashed on my face.

Looking around the room I can see Klaus is free and has undaggered everyone. As I sit up properly I see him. Kol on the floor with the white oak in his chest.

I rush to him and cry while hugging him. I turn to look at my family.

"I can bring home back I know I can, I'll be back I have to find someone" I say standing up.

I leave before I could get a response and start the search for maylee. I push all the pain down and focus on getting my love back.

Little Darling (Kol Mikaelson) [1] (completed)Where stories live. Discover now