s e u n g m i n - l a t t e

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I woke up as my alarm rang. Its time for another tiring day of work. But recently, i seemed to enjoyed work a little more. There was this boy who always came to the cafe at 5pm and he usually orders a latte.

I got up from my bed and went straight to the bathroom to get ready to go for work.

~Time skip~

After eating breakfast, i left my house and took a bus to my workplace. I have been working there for close to 2 years. I have been working there ever since you started college to pay for your school fees. I didn't want to use your parents money.

"Hey y/n!" one of your co-worker, Felix, called out to me.

"Hey Felix!" i said while waving to him.

We have been close friends since i joined this cafe. Everyone who work in this cafe are as close as how my family is. The manager is the probably the best in the whole world. Mrs Kim, my manager, doesnt scolds us a lot unless we do something really really bad.

I quickly wore my apron around my waist and went to the cashier and started taking orders.

At about 11am the crowd started to get lesser and Felix asked, "Hey yn, when are you gonna tell the latte guy that you have a  massive crush on him?"

"Im not sure about that. He doesn't seem to like me though." I replied

"If i was him i wouldn't want you to know that i like you cause i will be scared if you don't like me back." Felix said.

"What are you all talking about?" Mrs Kim said from the kitchen.

"Oh, we are talking about yn's cru-" Felix blurted out but i cut him off

"We are just talking about the boy that comes to this cafe at 5pm everyday ever since last 2 months." I said while taking off my apron.

"Im going for lunch, Mrs Kim. I will come back in ah hour. Would you like anything?" I asked Mrs Kim

"Nope." She replied and i nodded my head and walked towards the exit.

"Hey! Wait for meeeeeeee. Don't leave me behind!" Felix shouted as he struggled to take out his apron.

I laughed at him and waited for me at the exit.

"Hey you, you better not leave me. You are my only friend in Korea." Felix said and pouted.

"I won't leave you mate" I said, trying to imitate his aussie accent whlie running my fingers through his hair.

"Anyways what do you want to eat?" Felix asked.

"Im just craving for bubble tea and frozen yogurt." I said.

"We cant have that for lunch! Its not a proper meal." Felix said as pinch your cheeks. "Your cheeks is so squishy!"

"Please Felix please. I will treat you bubble tea and you treat me frozen yogurt." You said and pouted.

"Fine fine fine. No one cant say no to free bubble tea." Felix said and chuckled at your cuteness

A/N: im ngl but i highkey ship felix and yn ahaha. Okay back to the story.

~Time skip~

After we were done with our "lunch" we headed back to the cafe.

It was almost 1pm when we arrived at the cafe and there was more people.

"You guys took so long. We almost couldn't cope with the amount of people." One of our co-workers said to Felix and me.

"We are so sorry. We will get to work immediately." I apologised as i wore my apron and started to take orders from our customers.

At 2.30pm a customer came in as i was looking at my phone, scrolling through Instagram.

"Hi, excuse me. I would like a latte." The boy spoke.

The voice. It sounds so familiar. Yes, the boy that always bought latte from this cafe.

I looked up it was the boy who always ordered the latte. Today he came earlier than usual.

"Hi, one latte coming up right away." I said as i immediately went to prepare his latte.

Should i confessed now? Is it too soon?

"Here's your latte. Hey you came early today." I said as i passed him his latte.

"Yeah. I was craving for the latte you made." He said with a smile.

"Uhm, can i speak to you for awhile?" I asked while looking down.

"Hey look someone is making the first move!" Felix said from the kitchen as one of our co-worker hit his hand. "What did i do wrong?" He asked, looking clueless.

"Of course you can." He said with a smile as his cheeks grew pink.

I took out my apron and threw it at Felix, "This is what you get for being such a  busybody." I shouted at him and walked towards the boy.

"Whats your name?" He asked me.

"Im yn,you?" I asked.

"Im Seungmin. Nice too meet you!" He said.

"Hey Seungmin, i have a tiny crush on you. I-its okay if you dont feel the same way." I said nervously.

"You mean a massive crush, yn." Felix said while eating a piece of biscuit.

"Wait, arent you dating him?" Seungmin asked as he pointed to Felix.

Upon hearing what Seungmin had said and i choked on my coffee.

"Me and him? Oh hell no!" I said while coughing.

"You both were acting like a couple just now." Seungmin confused.

"Oh. Wait what. You were stalking us? Oh my gosh Seungmin." I said.

"Ah no no no. I was meeting my friend nearby just  now and decided to drop by here as i was craving for some latte." Seungmin said as i nodded my head.

"So can we be friends?" I asked,hoping for a yes.

"If you didnt know already, i also have a crush on you. But just now when i saw you and your friend i thought you were dating him. So i decided not to tell you my feelings for you." He said.

"O-" Before i could say a word, Seungmin interrupted me," So will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course i will!" I said while smiling like an idiot.

"Woohoooo!" Felix cheered.

A/N: Thanks 200 readers! Sorry for not updating for so long. I run out of ideas. If you would like me to write a particular genre or whatsoever please comment what u would like me to write!

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