Chapter 5: kidnapped...

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Lea's p.o.v
It has been a month since the last Evil Ninja attack, things are going great. I am still trying to unlock my true potential, the ninja are helping me to reach them.
Ever since the Evil Ninja attacked, we always had been ready for any sudden attack, and I am always keeping an eye on Sam, so that he doesn't get hurt.

After we had breakfast this morning, Sam went to play in the backyard with the other ninja, while Master Wu, Misako, Garmadon, Lloyd and me sat on the chairs watching them playing tag.

Things have been good, but something tells me that the Evil Ninja are planing on something evil.

Evil Lloyd's p.o.v
Our clones think that everything is over, but for the past month we had been working on our next plan to get the little boy.
"Now, let's go get that little boy and get rid of the ninja...forever!" I said.
Me and my team sneeked into the ninja's house and waited in the dark corner in the little boy's room. After about 10 minutes the boy came in. I came out and put my hand over his mouth.

"Well hello, we meet again." I said, in an evil way.
He was struggling to break free from my grasp. He kicked my leg causing me to let go of him.

He stood in a fighting position, ready to fight.

"Aw, the little boy wants to fight?" I mocked him.

"I am more than a normal little boy!" He yelled and shot air at me.

I got up, but before I can do anything the ninja came rushing into the room.

"What's going on?!" My clone asked.

He then noticed me, he frowned, but before he can attack me, I went back into the darkness, and said,"We will meet again."

Lea's p.o.v
We heard yelling coming from Sam's room, we rushed to him and saw Evil Lloyd there, when he saw us he disappeared in the darkness and said,"we will meet again."
I ran to Sam and hugged him,"are you ok?" I asked, worried about him.
He hugged me back tightly and cried,"I am so scared"

I picked him up and we all went to the dining room.
I sat down between Lloyd and Zane, and Sam was still sitting in my lap, sobbing quietly.

"What should we do? We can't just keep fighting the Clones forever." Lloyd said.

"Lea, you need to find what's stopping you from unlocking your true potential, and you need to fight it." Master Wu told me.

"But how? How am I supposed to do that?" I asked.

"This is up to you to know." He said.

"I am going to bed." I said, got up and went to Sam's room to put him in bed.

I layed him on his bed since he was already sleeping in my arms, I pulled the covers over him and turned off the lights.

I went to my room, brushed my teeth, got changed into my PJs and went to sleep.

At about 2 in the morning I woke up to some weird sounds coming from Sam's room, it took me a second to realize that Sam might be in danger, I got up fast and rushed to Sam's room, which was next to mine.
I opened the door fast to find Evil Lloyd holding Sam and trying to Kidnapp him, again.
Sam was struggling to break free, and he couldn't yell for help because Evil Lloyd was putting his hand over his mouth.

"No! Sam!" I yelled, but I was too late, Evil Lloyd already escaped with Sam, they both disappeared into the darkness.

Soon the others came in the room.
"What happened?!" Lloyd asked, panicking.

I fell to my knees and cried.
Lloyd kneeled next to me and put a hand on my shoulder and asked me again,"What happened? And where's Sam?"

I looked at him in teary eyes and said,"they got him."

He hugged me and reassured me that every that everything will be ok.

"Let's go to sleep and tomorrow we can plan how to save him." He said.

He helped me up and we went to his room. Everybody went to their rooms as well.

We layed on his bed and went to sleep, it was hard to go to sleep knowing that Sam is in danger, but I eventually went to sleep after about one hour.

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