Chapter 1: The New Ninja (prologue)

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Zane's p.o.v
Me and my brothers had been playing video games since this morning, we don't have anything else to do because there is no villans to fight, though we sometimes train so that we don't lose our shape.
"I am gonna beat you, Kai!" Jay, Master of Lightning, said.
"I would like to see you try!" Kai, Master of Fire, replied.
After only 1 minute, Kai was dancing his victory dance, because he had beaten all of us, again.
"I am gonna beat you, Kai." Kai said, mocking Jay.
"Let's rematch!" Jay demanded.
Before Kai could say anything, Master Wu, our teacher, intruppted us.
"You will not rematch, we have something more important." He said.

"Good evening, Master Wu," I greeted our teacher. "What brings you here?" I asked.
"There will be a new member joining our team," He started.
"A new ninja?" Cole asked.
"Yeah, her name is Lea, she is the Master of Light." Nya, Master of Water, said entering the room.

I was lost in my thoughts, Lea, I have heard this name before, but I just can't remember where I heard it.
Then it hit me, "Lea?! My sister?!" I asked.
"Your sister?" Lloyd, the master of energy, asked with a mouth stuffed with candy.

"Yeah, she is my younger sister, I think she is the same age as you, now." I replied.

"How come you never tell us about her?" Jay asked.

"It had been years since I last saw her."

"Oh, why what happened?" Cole, Master of Earth, asked.

"I don't really remember what happened the day her and my mother left, I was too young to remember."

"She called us yesterday, and she said that she really misses you and that she is very excited to see you again." Nya said.

"When will she arrive, Master?" I asked.

"She will be here tomorrow morning," He replied.

Time skip to the next morning at 7:30 AM.
I was first to wake up, so I made everybody's favourite breakfast, pancakes.

I was in the kitchen making the pancakes when the door opened and Lloyd, Kai, Jay, Cole and Nya entered the room and sat down around the taple.
"Good morning everybody, where is Master Wu?" I asked, putting the plates on the taple.

"He is on the upper deck, waiting for Lea to arrive." Cole replied.

"I am going to go check on him." I said, and went to the upper deck.

When I opened the door, I saw Master Wu with... "Lea?" I asked.
The girl turned her head to face me.
"Zane!" She ran to me and hugged me tightly, tears rolling down her cheeks

I hugged her back, "I missed you so much..." I said.
I didn't want this hug to ever finish, but we had to pull away because the others came.

"Hi, so you are Zane's long last sister, right?" Jay asked.

"Yeah, and I assume that you are Jay, master of lightning." She replied, smiling. "And you are Cole, master of earth," " Kai, master of fire," " Nya, master of water," "And Lloyd, master of energy." She said, pointing at each of them.

"Students, Lea's power is light, and it is as great as Lloyd's power of creation and energy, she is cabable of defeating the darkest creatures that ever existed. So I need all of you to help her train to unlock her power." Master Wu said.

"Yes Master." We all said at the same time, and headed into the bounty.
I was the last one to leave, when I was closing the door, I saw a black thing disappear in the dark corner, but I just shrugged it off and followed the others to eat breakfast.

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