Chapter 6: I will save you, I promise

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Evil Lloyd's p.o.v
Everything is going just like we planned to, we kidnapped the little boy and injected him with pure evil, all what we have to do now is wait for it to take control of the boy's body.

No p.o.v
After the ninja woke up and had breakfast, they went to the control room to start planning.
"We need to know more information about the Evil ninja's plan, What do they want from Sam?" Lea asked.

"What we know is that they want Sam to destroy us, could they do that? He's only a young boy and isn't strong enough to take us all down." Zane said.

"They are going to inject him with pure evil," Garmadon said, entering the room with Wu and Misako.

"Pure Evil? What is that?" Lea asked.

"It's a dark matter only found on the dark island, it can turn the purest of hearts into the darkest, most hateful ones. The one who is injected with this matter can't control his body nor his action." Garmadon explained.

"But even if they turned Sam evil, he still won't be able to defeat us all." Jay said.

"He can, because the dark matter can  make you much stronger than you used to be."

"Then we have to save him before they inject him!" Lea said, worried.

"I am afraid they might've already did so, they won't risk waiting for the morning to inject him." Wu said.

Lea was so shocked and scared. "I-isn't there a way t-to save him?" She asked.

"There is, it is you who can save him. You are the complete opposite of darkness, you are light you can turn the darkest hearts into the purest ones, you and Lloyd are the one who can save him, but Lloyd lost his golden power, which means he won't be able to save him, it's all up to you to save Sam...and to save all of us." Wu explained.

Lea nodded, but deep inside, she felt tired, there was a lot of pressure on her, if she fails on her mission she will lose all her loved ones.
'I promise that I will save you.' Lea thought.

"Ok guys, let's go save Sam and end the Evil ninja's plans forever!" Cole said with determination.


Lloyd's p.o.v
We arrived at the Evil ninja's hideout and we were ready to attack them when suddenly...Sam came out of the building holding a katana sword in his hand.

"Sam?..." Lea asked, getting off my dragon and walking closer to him.
I looked again at Sam and found a much paler one with red eyes, This was NOT Sam.

"Lea, wait! This isn't Sam!" I shouted, but I was too late, Sam already began attacking her with his sword.
Lea was fast to react, she pulled her katana and blocked his attack. Surprisingly Sam was VERY strong.
We ran to help her, when The Evil Ninja came. "You can do this." I whispered into her ear.
The Evil Ninja attacked us, we kept fighting and blocking their attacks.

Sam's p.o.v
I lost control over my body, I can't control my actions anymore.
I see No, she will never do that, she is fighting my evil self.
She is trying to talk to me, I can hear everything she is saying. "I know you are there, Sam! Please come out! We are your family, we love you! Please come out!" She begged.

I wanted to just hug her, I wanted to come out of my body, it's like a cage that I will never escape from it. No! I need to keep fighting the Evil within me. I need to, for my family...for Lea.
I kept fighting and fighting when...finally I can control my body once again. I dropped the sword from my hand. My head is hurting me, my vision keep getting blurry. The Evil is trying to control me again. "L-Lea, help me..." I looked at her, she was very scared and shocked. She put her hands on my shoulders.
"Sam, I know you are there, keep fighting! You can't let the Evil control you!" She yelled. I felt my body getting numb, I can't feel anything...and then... everything went black.

Lea's p.o.v
I put my hands on Sam's shoulders, "Sam, I know you are there, keep fighting! You can't let the Evil control you!" I shouted.
Light began coming out of my hands, it was very bright, I felt Sam's body getting heavy, he passed out.
I was scared and very confused, I didn't know what was happening. Then it hit me...MY TRUE POTENTIAL!
I looked at Lloyd, who stopped fighting, he nodded and I felt my body rising up.
The Evil Ninja were terrified, they knew what was going to happen.
The light spread, killing the Evil Ninja for ever.
I fell to the floor, exhausted. Everybody ran to me, Zane helped me up. They were very shocked.

"You...Did it... you defeated the Evil Ninja!" Lloyd said, happily

"Yeah...I did, but I couldn't have done it without your help." I said. I looked over my shoulder and found Sam Unconscious. I ran up to him and picked him up.
"We need to get him back home." I said.
They nodded, and formed their dragons. Lloyd helped me up and we flew home.

When we arrived home, I took Sam to the medical room. He wasn't injured.
We sat in the dining room, and we explained everything to Master Wu, Garmadon and Misako.

"Finally, we got rid of the Evil Ninja...forever." Master Wu said, taking another sip from his tea.

We sat in silent, until the door opened. We all turned our heads and saw Sam standing there.
I ran up to him and kneeled down infront of him.
"What happened?" He asked.
"You were turned evil by the Evil Ninja, we saved you by destroying them. We are safe now...Nobody can hurt us now..." I said.
His eyes widened with shock and happiness. He hugged me and said, "Thank you, for saving me..."
"I promised to save you." I said.

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