Red Dawn: Arsenal

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Batgirl's pov

"Batman, I've gotten word that (y/n) and the other Task Force X members have been released."

"Thanks Cyborg."

"Why would Waller release dangerous criminals like them?"

"I don't know Superman."

"Well we need to round them up."

"Easier said then done."
Cyborg interjects. "(Y/n), and the others haven't been since since their release."

"Damn it." Superman punched the table. "After all that work to lock them up, just for them to walk."

"Calm down." Bruce walked away from the table. "(Y/n) is... was apart of the Bat Family, we'll handle it."

Bruce and I get into the bat mobile. "Do you think we will find him?"

"Yes, but it will definitely take some time. He's a lot smarter the Clark gives him credit for being. Plus he has Kara on his side, even when we find him, taking him on won't be easy."

Six months later

"Bruce anything yet?" I walk into the bat cave, and find both Bruce and Tim, both searching on the computer. "It's been six months, you would think by now we would have found him."

"(Y/n), was trained by me, if doesn't want to be found, it's going to take some time."

"It's probably because you three have been searching wrong." I turn around to see who was talking. "Hi Stephanie."

"Dick what are doing here?" Tim asked.

"I came to help you find (y/n), and I think I might have a pretty good lead. Watch this." Dick plugged in the usb drive and footage started playing. "It's from somewhere in Star City. It was sent to me anonymously." The footage played, and Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow, apprehend a thug. Two more people showed up next to Oliver. One was Kara, and the other was some guy in a costume like Olivers, but his was Red. "I don't know about you two, but I'm pretty sure Roy hasn't come back to Star City, and I'm pretty sure if (y/n)'s out there he's going to be hang around with one of his only allies left, Supergirl."

"So are you three thinking what I'm think? Bat Family trip to Star Ci..." Tim looks around the room, and I'm sure he could feel the mix of emotions in the room, because he shut up as soon as he saw the looks on all of our faces.

"Dick, Tim and I will join you in Star City shortly. Meet us at this address."

"Alright, see you there Bruce."

"If you come into contact with (y/n) do not engage. If he really does have Oliver and Kara on his side, things could get bad."

"Roger that bruce." Dick leaves the bat cave.

"Tim get to the bat wing."

"Gotcha." Tim headed out.

"Stephanie, I want you to set this one out."


"Fighting (y/n), if that's what it comes to, would eat away at what's left of you."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm the worlds best detective, You can't hide things from me, I know you've been dealing with a lot since we arrested (y/n), and fighting him would only make it worse."

"I'm going Bruce, and you can't stop me."

"Normally I would say No and just leave now, but I know you'd just find your own way there. So get suited up, and get in the Bat Wing."

A few hours later

"W-why is batman, in Star City?" A low level drug dealer asked as Batman held him over the edge of the build Robin and I chased him up.

"Green Arrow's new partner what do you know about him."


"No the guy in red!" Batman shouted.

"I-I Don't kno..."

"Don't lie to me!"

"Fine... his Word on the street is his name is Arsenal. He used to work with the Arrow a while back, but he disappeared. He showed up recently and has from what I hear a bit of a mean streak, and uses more then a bow and Arrow."

"What weapons does he use!"

"D-Don't hurt me! I heard he uses pistols, and some type of knife from time to time. I swear that's all I know."

"That sounds like our guys Mo, Batman." Robin says.

"Go, but Tell no one we're in the cit..." An Arrow goes through the guys shoulder, and he falls off the building, but Arrow had a wire attached so he dangled a few feet off the ground.

"The right people already know you're batman."

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