Red Dawn: Arsenal & Batgirl

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Batman's pov

"Why are you in Star City Batman?"

"Green Arrow wh..."

The sound of a bow string releasing echoes through the air three times, and I hear the sound of Dick, Stephanie, and Tim falling to the ground. "Don't humor him, We both know why he's here." I turn around to see a figure, standing on the ledge above me, wearing a red hooded jacket, like Olivers. "You're looking for me, right?" He jumps down, and walks past me. "I mean why else would batman come to Star City, other then his once sidekick, turned enemy has partnered up with the Green Arrow." He grabs the wire, that the crock was hanging form, and pulled him up. "Why don't you sit tight, bud." He draws his fist back, and punches him in the face, knocking him unconscious. "Dig, package is in the mail." (Y/n) pushes the crock back off the ledge, and once the wire fully extends he cuts the wire, letting the crock fall to the ground. "So tell me Bruce, what do you want with me?" (Y/n) pulls his hood down, and he takes his helmet off.

"I'm here because you're my problem to deal with."

"You see Bruce, that's your's and Kal's problem, you see what I did as a bad thing." (Y/n) walks and stands next Oliver. "The way I see it, I put one guy six feet under, and keep in mind this same guy has killed a lot and I do mean a lot of people. Now remember this is the same guy, you chose to put in prison, which he broke out of multiple times, and killed even more people every time he did it. Now tell me something Batman, how many people has he killed since I got ahold of him?"

"That would be zero." Oliver added.

"You're on his side now Oliver?"

"I've spent years, trying to find ways to keep guys like Joker from killing, but it hasn't worked, so yes I'm taking his side."

"(Y/n), we can't play Judge, Jury, and Executioner."

"Well maybe it's about damn we did. 'Super Heroes' have spent years fighting criminals, and where has it gotten us?" (Y/n) stares down at Stephanie, before firing an Arrow, cutting the wire that was holding her to the ground. "It's gotten us no where. We just keep putting these violent Criminals in prison, and the same damn thing happens, they break out and kill more innocent people. Bruce, you of all people should know that, I mean after all Joker did kill Jason, because you put him in prison, and then he broke out."  (Y/n) fires another arrow, releasing Tim. "But, I think I know something a little more important, that you haven't even told Stephanie or Tim yet."

"And what would that be Red Hood." Tim Growled.

"Hold on third Robin, and I'll tell you. Because Batman refused to what was necessary, and instead decided to put Joker back in prison, which he broke out of again, but this time Joker decided he wanted a little more revenge on Batman. So Joker decided to kill someone a little closer to the bat." (Y/n) points to himself. "Because Batman put Joker back, into the same prison he had broken out of before, Joker decided it was time to kill another member of the bat family, and I was he choice." (Y/n) paused for a moment. "I can tell by the looks on your faces, he didn't tell you two that, and from the looks of it the only one that's not surprised is Dick, which means Bruce told hi...

"What are you doing (y/n)?"

"Isn't it obvious Bruce, I'm tearing your team apart." (Y/n) looks me straight in my face. "Bruce doesn't trust either of you, not to go against his wishes, that's why he told Dick, and not you about me, and that's why Dick was the only one he told about Jason. He doesn't trust any of us."

"(Y/n), shut up!" Dick yells. "You have no idea what you're talking about."

"I might not, but then again I just might, I'll let Tim and Stephanie decide that." (Y/n) and Oliver fire grappling arrows, and Oliver slides away. "Keep in mind what I said." (Y/n) follows Oliver.

I turn around, and see Tim and Stephanie both looking at me.

"Why didn't you tell us about (y/n)?" Stephanie steps in front of me.


"I felt like something was up, I just didn't know what it was." Stephanie, walked around me and jumped off the roof.

"Stephanie wait, I'm coming too." Tim followed her.

"Well aren't you going to stop them?"

"I can't, (y/n) was right and they know it."

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