19. Dear darling

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Dear darling please excuse my writing I can't stop my hands from shaking cause I'm cold and alone tonight I miss you and nothing hurts like knowing you. .
Sophie's pov
"OMG what happened to you" jordi screamed, shit I was trying to avoid him.
"Oh um I just fell" I replied nervously
"No you didint someone hit you didint they? ok no I was really nervous.
"Yeh" I admit quitly
Oh come here he said and pulled me into a hug I moved away a little at first because of the pain and he began to notice.
"What's wrong?
"Umm yesterday at school a group of people just started hitting me and kicking me" I replied now full on crying.
"Oh does Leo know?
"NO" I want him to enjoy the tour" I shouted
"But he will see your bruises?
"I will tell him when he gets back" I said
"Ok you should go to bed now love you" jordi said sadly
"Love you to"

I had trouble sleeping that night without Leo's arms around me but I managed to fall asleep.
I was woken by a really loud banging sound downstairs I walked down there to see Joey, Jordi, ollie, Ryan and Andy laughing crazily.
"What happened? I asked tiredly
"Jordi saw a spider and started freaking out then he threw a lamp at it" Ollie said in between laughter.
I gave them all a weird looks and walked into the kitchen to make my breakfast.
"OMG LEO'S BACK TODAYYYYY" I screamed yes it had been 4 days already. I was buzzing with excitement and ran upstairs to get ready completly forgetting about the bruise on my eye and headed downstairs to the train station. I couldn't drive yet so Joey was taking me.

"Joey Joey Joey can we go yet" I said excitedly
"Yeh go get in the car I will be there in a minute" he said
I jumped in the car and swung my legs back in forth waiting for him. it felt like FORVER before he finally got in the car and we were of the the train station.

Leo's pov
The last 4 days have been amazing but I honestly can't wait to get home and see my familey and Sophie again I miss her so much💕
I looked around for her at the station and when I saw her our eyes instantly locked until she ran up to me and jumped into my arms.
I kissed her passionately not caring about the hundreds of people around us.
She pulled away and looked at my face.
"What happened to your eye?

Anyone want to be in ONE part of this story? 🙈DM me your name and the first person to do that will get to be in a part? oh and choose your fav out of...💕
You may get to be there girlfriend😉
~Sophie x

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