Championship Match!

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Seth Rollins

Lillian-''The following contest is for the WWE Divas Championship!''

You stood on one side of the ring with AJ Lee sitting on the ropes next to you.

Lillian-''Introducing the challenger, being accompanied by AJ Lee, Y/N!''

Nikki stood on the opposite side of the ring with Brie.

Lillian-''And being accompanied by Brie Bella, she is the WWE Divas Champion....Nikki Bella!''

AJ and Brie both got out of the ring. AJ stood in front of the announce table as Brie stood in front of the entrance.

Referee-''Ring the bell!''

You and Nikki locked up. Nikki put you in a headlock but you pushed her into the corner forcing her to break the hold. You backed away and Nikki stepped out of the corner and you both locked up again. You put her into a headlock and immediately took her down to the mat.

JBL-''Y/N taking Nikki straight to the mat.''

You held onto Nikki as she got back to her feet and Nikki drove her elbow into your ribs making you let her go. Nikki bounced off the ropes, ran at you but you ducked under her clothesline. Then you clotheslined her over the ropes and she fell on the floor next to Brie.

Cole-''Y/N sending Nikki outside.''

You rolled out of the ring, picked up Nikki, drove her into the apron and tossed her into the barricade.

Jerry-''Nikki thrown hard into the barricade.''

You tossed Nikki back into the ring and you got in the ring, covered her but she kicked out.

JBL-''Nikki kicked out before the referee counted 2.''

Cole-''It shows how badly Nikki wants to stay Divas Champion.''

Jerry-''Yeah. But after Seth Rollins and Y/N joined The Authority, doesn't that show that Y/N is willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead and become champion?''

Cole-''I guess so, King. And maybe that's why AJ & Y/N are on the same page again because they've both betrayed someone who we all thought they cared about.''

Jerry-''Are you saying Y/N might understand why AJ betrayed her last year?''

Cole-''I am.''

JBL-''Whether it's true or not, King, it does make sense.''

Nikki moved you into the corner as you held onto her in a headlock. But you didn't let go until the referee counted to 4. Nikki glared at you as you smirked at her.

Nikki-''You're suppose to let go.''

You-''Technically....I have til the count of five.''

Nikki-''Are you still pissed off that I kissed Seth?!''

Your smiled disappeared as you tackled Nikki down to the mat and punched her as many times as you could until she managed to get away from you by getting out of the ring. You followed and chased her but then AJ stood in Nikki's way making her stop.

AJ-''Where do you think you're going?!''

Then you knocked down Nikki from behind as AJ stepped out of the way. Brie ran over to AJ, grabbed her from behind, tossed her into the ring and Brie slid into the ring after her. You picked up Nikki and threw her into the steel steps as AJ tackled Brie down in the middle of the ring.

Jerry-''This is getting out of hand.''

JBL-''Normally for a championship match I would agree with you, King. But I say let them fight!''

You tossed Nikki into the ring and slid into the ring after her. You picked up Nikki as AJ picked up Brie and you and AJ put them in opposite corners of the ring.

Cole-''Y/N and AJ have to be careful not to cause a disqualification!''

JBL-''As long as AJ doesn't touch Nikki and Brie doesn't touch Y/N....there won't be a disqualification.''

Then you and AJ swung Nikki and Brie into each other and they fell down as you and AJ laughed. Brie rolled out of the ring by the entrance and AJ slid out of the ring and stood by the announce table as you covered Nikki but Nikki kicked out.

Jerry-''Order has been restored....for now.''

You grabbed Nikki as you both got up. Then Nikki punched you in your ribs, moved you against the ropes and she swung you across the ring. You bounced off the ropes as she ran at you and elbowed you in your jaw. You fell to the mat, Nikki covered you and you kicked out after 2.

Brie-''Come on, Nikki!''

Nikki picked you up, shoved you into the corner, backed up and ran at you but you kicked her making her stumble back. Then you climbed the turn buckled, jumped towards Nikki and you landed on her but she rolled through and had you in a pinfall.


You kicked out! Both of you stood up, ran at each other, you ducked under Nikki's clothesline, hooked her arms with yours and did a Back Slide.


Nikki kicked out! You both stood up, ran at each other, Nikki ducked under your punch, stepped behind you and did a roll up pin.


You kicked out! You both stood up, Nikki ran at you and you kicked her with a Super Kick! You covered Nikki but she kicked out at the last second!

JBL-''How many near falls did we just witness? This is great!''

Cole-''Y/N and Nikki are both down!''

Brie-''Come on, Nikki!''

AJ-''You got this, Y/N!''

Jerry-''AJ and Brie trying to encourage Y/N and Nikki to get up.''

You and Nikki got up and started exchanging punches in the middle of the ring. Nikki hit you with a forearm making you stumble into the corner. Nikki stepped in front of you, picked you up and sat you down on the turn buckle. Then Nikki started climbing the turn buckle but you headbutted her twice making her fall off but she landed on her feet.

Brie-''Get her, Nikki!''

Nikki stepped in front of you again and then you went for a Sunset Flip but Nikki grabbed your legs and held onto you as she walked to the middle of the ring. Then Nikki hit you with the Alabama Slam!

Cole-''Oh my gosh!''

Nikki covered you.


You kicked out at the last second!

Nikki-''What?! That was three!''

Referee-''She kicked out!''

Nikki was frustrated as she picked you up and she put you over her shoulders. Then Nikki looked at AJ.

Nikki-''It's all over, AJ!''

Then you hooked your arms and legs around Nikki's arms, you fell back and rolled Nikki into a pinfall.


You rolled out of the ring by the entrance as AJ Lee screamed with happiness. AJ grabbed the title, ran over to you and gave it to you as Nikki and Brie stood in the ring in complete shock.

JBL-''We have a new Divas Champion! The Authority have got to be happy.''

You and AJ hugged tightly as you were standing on the stage. Then you lifted the championship above your head as you smiled.

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